Jasmine Taylor used "cash stuffing" to pay off her debts and her business is now on track to make $1M this year.

Learn to budget like a pro with Budgets and Baddies - the perfect way to get started with budgeting.

April 14th 2023.

Jasmine Taylor used
Jasmine Taylor, the owner of Baddies and Budgets, has found success in teaching people an old-school budgeting method called 'cash stuffing'. After trying the method for herself, she was able to pull herself out of nearly $70,000 in debt within the first few months. The method requires one to place a planned amount of money into labeled envelopes for expenses such as rent, groceries, and utilities. Taylor shared her success with the method on social media, encouraging others to try it for themselves.

Combined with a zero-based budget, Taylor has seen great success in her business, and is projected to hit her goal of $1 million this year. For those interested in using the cash stuffing method, they are encouraged to evaluate their spending habits and financial goals beforehand.

(Image Source: https://www.blackenterprise.com)

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