Jajpur continues to experience rampant laterite theft.

Despite government efforts, illegal mining of laterite stones continues in Jajpur's west Barchana area due to corruption among officials and politicians.

June 27th 2024.

Jajpur continues to experience rampant laterite theft.
In the west Barchana area of Jajpur district, the rampant looting of laterite stones shows no signs of stopping, despite the government's efforts to curb the smuggling of minor minerals. It has been alleged that this illegal activity is being carried out with the help of corrupt officials and politicians. The Darpangad revenue circle, in particular, has been a hotspot for this crime, thanks to the slow approach of the tehsildar and police personnel in Barchana and Bairi. This has emboldened the illegal miners, who continue to extract and transport the stones without any fear of consequences. Even after the recent rainfall filled the quarries with water, they found ways to drain it out using motor pumps and resume their unlawful activities.

The locals have expressed their frustration and anger over the lack of action against this ongoing loot. They have staged multiple protests, including agitations, demonstrations, sit-ins, and hunger strikes. Some of them have also taken the matter to the Orissa High Court in the hope of putting an end to this environmental and economic damage. In response, the state government has set up an office of the Deputy Director of Minor Minerals to tackle the issue. However, these efforts have not been able to stop the fraudsters from profiting at the expense of the environment and people. The government is losing out on significant revenue, and the situation seems to worsen with every new administration.

With the recent change in government, the locals fear that the illegal mining will only intensify. There are already over 40 illegal stone quarries operating in Bairi, Shalapada, Paria, Chhamia, and Kaimatia panchayats, using heavy equipment like earthmovers to extract and smuggle the valuable stones. The affected villagers have been demanding strict action against these wrongdoers, but their pleas have fallen on deaf ears. The administration initially ignored their protests, and when they couldn't ignore them any longer, they resorted to making false promises. Despite assurances of taking action against the illegal mining and imposing prohibitory orders, no concrete steps have been taken yet.

It is believed that the influential people in the area are the reason why the administration has failed to fulfill its promises. These individuals have allegedly used their power and connections to protect the illegal miners and continue to benefit from their illegal activities. Despite the change in political representation in the region, the culprits remain the same. It has also been reported that some new players have entered the scene, taking advantage of the government's inaction and their political influence.

As a result, the illegal miners are still operating in full swing, extracting laterite stones from various quarries in the district and smuggling them out in trucks. Some of the affected areas include Siha, Patharkata, Samian, Chheliapada, Charigochhia, Baunsamuli, Gabhashohala, Kolasahi, Bhusandpur, Kochilagadia, and Kanchan Nagar. The locals are hoping for a strong crackdown on this illegal activity and strict action against those involved, but so far, their pleas have fallen on deaf ears. The loot of minor minerals continues, causing harm to the environment and the livelihoods of the villagers.

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