It's unusually hot this September, but why? The Met Office explains the late heatwave.

It's been hot in September!

September 6th 2023.

It's unusually hot this September, but why? The Met Office explains the late heatwave.
September has been a scorcher so far, and Summer 2023 has certainly been an interesting one. After an incredibly hot heatwave in June, we then had one of the rainiest July's on record, followed by a pretty poor August. But then when we'd almost lost all hope for the summer, a September heatwave made a shocking appearance on UK shores.

So why is the weather so hot this September? The Met Office has the answer. Chief Meteorologist Neil Armstrong explained that the tropical cyclone season in the North Atlantic has pushed the jet stream to the north of the UK, which is allowing for warmer temperatures this September. He also said that high pressure is situated to the southeast of the UK, bringing more settled conditions and temperatures well above average for the time of year.

The temperatures are set to reach up to 32C this week, with the highest temperatures expected to occur on Wednesday and Thursday. This means that Autumn could give us the hottest day of the year. Jim Dale, founder of British Weather Services, told the Daily Mirror that there is a chance that the highest 2023 temperature so far will be beaten. The highest temperatures are expected in London and parts of south and east England, with highs of 30C being recorded in parts of the south on Monday.

Sky News weather producer Joanna Robinson also said that there will be some warm nights too, especially on Wednesday, when odd places may experience a tropical night - when temperatures don't fall below 20°C.

The UK Health Security Agency has also put a health heat warning in place this week due to the unseasonably high temperatures. The warning will remain in place until 9pm on Sunday, and so the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions should take extra care.

It's a shock contrast to last year, when the UK reached highs of 40.3C and wildfires devastated the nation. It seems that the late dose of summer heatwave has brought forth a final taste of sunshine.

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