It's time to get the heat on!

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October 10th 2023.

It's time to get the heat on!
Winter is coming! As temperatures drop, it's important to think about turning on the heating to maintain a comfortable temperature inside. But when is the best time to switch on the radiators?

According to online heating specialist BestHeating, the NHS recommends putting on the heating when temperatures outside drop below 15°C and maintaining a temperature of at least 18°C in rooms that are regularly used. After analysing Met Office weather data from the past five years, BestHeating has determined that the date we can expect to start switching our radiators on is October 20th. This is the day from which the data suggests temperatures probably won’t reach above 15°C for the rest of the year.

Jess Steele, a heating technology expert at BestHeating, commented: “Whilst there isn’t an optimum time to switch heating on, our research shows that once temperatures are below 15°C, usually in the middle of October, it is best to turn the heating on as we feel the chill more. By the end of the month, even the hardiest among us will have our heating on to keep warm as temperatures are predicted to drop further. If it is below 13°C outside then serious health issues can arise, especially in vulnerable people. With many worried about their finances, it can be tempting to hold off putting the heating on but be careful delaying this too long as this can hurt your body. For those struggling, we recommend contacting your local council or energy supplier as there are often grants and help available to keep you safe throughout winter.”

If you're looking to save a bit of money this winter, Jess has shared three top tips to reduce your heating bills. Firstly, try turning the thermostat down by one degree Celsius and test the water one degree at a time. Research shows that by reducing a home’s temperature by a little, good savings can be made on energy bills. Secondly, only heat the room you are in to use as little energy as possible. Lastly, pick and choose the optimum heating times for your routine. For example, if the temperature is going to be lower than 10°C, set it to come on an hour before your alarm to take away the chill.

By following these tips, you can make sure you're staying warm and comfortable this winter while keeping your heating bills down.

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