It's not just your identity, it's the trauma passed down through generations.

Stop people pleasing and start taking care of yourself.

August 7th 2023.

It's not just your identity, it's the trauma passed down through generations.
The phrase ‘I am who I am’ is an old one, suggesting that our identities come from no one and nothing other than ourselves. But in this age of self-reflection and understanding of mental health, it’s becoming increasingly clear that external factors play an important role in our mental state. One of the major ones is our family, who shape us during our formative years.

The way they are can have a huge effect on the way we are, and this can sometimes lead to mental health issues, whether intentional or not. This is what is known as intergenerational trauma.

In the latest episode of the mental health podcast ‘Mentally Yours’, we were joined by Dr Mariel Buqué, a leading intergenerational trauma expert and author of the book ‘Break The Cycle: A Guide to Healing Intergenerational Trauma’. Dr Buqué gave us an insight into what intergenerational trauma really is.

She explains that it is the only type of trauma that is passed down a family line, intersecting biology and psychology. From conception, our genetic coding holds information about any stress or trauma in our family line, making us emotionally vulnerable. In addition, our home environment can make us more emotionally stable, or can leave us with attachment wounds.

So, how can we tell if our mental health is being affected by intergenerational trauma? According to Dr Buqué, the symptoms can be difficult to identify, as they can be present throughout our lives. Some signs to look out for are people-pleasing, emotional dependency, and a change in temperament.

But if you do recognise these behaviours, how can you break the cycle? Dr Buqué says that those who want to disrupt the normalisation of trauma in their families often do this out of a need to no longer feel wounded, or out of a desire to extend their healing to other family members.

Therefore, a holistic approach to healing is key. This means looking after your mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing, rather than just focusing on talking about what has happened.

To find out more advice on how to unpack the mental load from generations above, listen to the latest episode of Mentally Yours. If you have a story to share, get in touch by emailing email.

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