Israeli government says Hamas leader in Lebanon allegedly assassinated by unmanned aerial vehicle.

Israeli drone strike kills Hamas leader in southern Lebanon, ahead of deadline for Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon under ceasefire agreement.

February 17th 2025.

Israeli government says Hamas leader in Lebanon allegedly assassinated by unmanned aerial vehicle.
In the bustling city of Jerusalem, tensions were high as news broke of an Israeli drone strike in southern Lebanon. The strike, which took place on Monday, claimed the life of the leader of the militant Hamas group in the country, according to Israel's military. This event occurred on the eve of a crucial deadline for Israel's withdrawal from southern Lebanon, as part of a ceasefire agreement to end a 14-month-long war with Hezbollah.

The Israeli military stated that the strike targeted Mohammad Shaheen, who was the head of Hamas' operations department in Lebanon. They accused Shaheen of being involved in planning and funding recent terror attacks against the citizens of Israel, with the backing of Iran. Shocking footage of a car engulfed in flames quickly spread online, adding to the chaos and tension of the situation. The strike had taken place near a Lebanese army checkpoint and Sidon's municipal sports stadium.

Originally, the deadline for Israel's withdrawal was set for late January. However, with pressure from Israel, Lebanon agreed to extend the deadline to February 18. As the deadline loomed, it was uncertain whether Israeli troops would be able to complete their withdrawal by Tuesday. This uncertainty only added to the already volatile situation in the region.

In the aftermath of the ceasefire, Israel has continued to carry out airstrikes in southern and eastern Lebanon. They claim to be targeting military sites that contain missiles and combat equipment. However, both Israel and Lebanon have traded accusations of violating the ceasefire agreement, further complicating the already tense situation. As the region remains on edge, the world watches and waits to see how the events will unfold.

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