Israel may retaliate against Iran by attacking its nuclear sites.

Israeli military leaders promise retaliation against Iran.

April 16th 2024.

Israel may retaliate against Iran by attacking its nuclear sites.
The recent events in the Middle East have sparked concerns and escalated tensions, with the United Nation's nuclear watchdog calling for extreme restraint. The fear of Israel targeting Iran's nuclear facilities as a response to the barrage of drones and missiles sent over the border over the weekend has been looming. In light of this, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a meeting with his war cabinet to decide the next course of action, with or without the support of the West.

Amidst this brewing conflict, Rafael Grossi, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, urged for extreme restraint and emphasized the need to avoid any actions that could further escalate the situation. He stated that Iran had temporarily closed its nuclear facilities on Sunday due to security concerns and that IAEA inspectors were not allowed access until the situation calmed down. However, they will resume their inspections on Tuesday, as the closure did not disrupt their activities.

When asked about the possibility of an Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear facilities, Grossi expressed his concerns but did not give any specific details. Meanwhile, Israel's military chief, Herzi Halevi, made it clear that they will not let Iran's attack go unanswered, even if Iran claimed to consider the matter closed. While the attack caused minimal damage and no casualties, it has heightened fears of an all-out war between the two countries and raised concerns about the ongoing violence in the Gaza war spreading.

Lt Gen Herzi Halevi echoed the sentiment, stating that Israel will respond to the launch of missiles, cruise missiles, and drones into their territory. He also mentioned that they are carefully weighing their steps and did not provide any specific details or timeline for their response. The recent attack by Iran was in retaliation for Israel's strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, which resulted in the death of 12 people.

As tensions continue to rise and the possibility of an open conflict looms, the international community is closely monitoring the situation and urging for a peaceful resolution. The UN atomic watchdog has also called for all parties to exercise restraint and avoid any actions that could further escalate the already tense situation. It remains to be seen how the events will unfold and what actions will be taken in response to the recent attacks.

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