Is the CEO of Ryanair right about limiting passengers to two drinks?

Is Michael O'Leary correct about banning alcohol on flights, or will people still consume it?

August 29th 2024.

Is the CEO of Ryanair right about limiting passengers to two drinks?
Is Michael O'Leary correct in his suggestion to restrict alcohol consumption in airport bars? Let's discuss this topic and more in the comments section of MetroTalk.

One reader brings up a valid point - what else is there to do in an airport besides have a drink and chat with friends? With the inevitable delays that come with travel, it's natural for passengers to want to relax and unwind with a drink. However, Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary believes that limiting alcohol consumption in airport bars may help reduce incidents of drunken violence on flights.

But is this really necessary? Some readers who frequently travel for business and pleasure have never witnessed any disruptive behavior on their flights. They question the need for such restrictions, while also acknowledging that it may happen on rare occasions.

Another reader raises an important concern - how will airport lounges that offer free drinks and food for a fee or membership be regulated? Will there be a limit on the number of drinks a passenger can have? These are important considerations to take into account before implementing any restrictions.

However, there are some who support O'Leary's suggestion, citing safety as the main concern. They believe that excessive alcohol consumption can lead to dangerous situations on flights and should be limited.

Moving on to a different topic, the debate on whether 15-year-olds should be allowed to travel alone has sparked different opinions. While some believe that it's important for young people to experience life and become independent, others argue that they may not be worldly enough to handle potential dangers.

In other news, the winter fuel allowance has been a hot topic, with some readers arguing that it was a much-needed help for pensioners while others see it as a bonus that could have been put to better use.

Shifting to a more lighthearted topic, the head of the Indian Space Research Organisation believes in the existence of aliens, although he has no proof. One reader humorously adds that their conscience also tells them they are the king of the world, but they don't have any proof either.

Finally, the highly anticipated reunion of the band Oasis has been announced, with some readers skeptical of the real motivation behind it. Is it for the love of music or for financial gain? Some argue that they are the last of the great rock bands in the country, while others believe it's just another money-making scheme.

As always, we want to hear your thoughts and opinions on these topics. Join the conversation in the comments section below.

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