Is the alleged 2015 video of Planned Parenthood executives selling fetal tissue accurate?

Undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood officials discussing how to avoid legal consequences by dismembering the fetus during a partial-birth abortion.

August 9th 2024.

Is the alleged 2015 video of Planned Parenthood executives selling fetal tissue accurate?
A recently released video has surfaced, causing quite a stir among social media users. In the video, which was captured in 2015 by anti-abortion activist David Daleiden, Planned Parenthood executives can be heard discussing the handling of body parts from fetuses aborted in the late second trimester. More specifically, they were allegedly discussing measures to avoid prosecution under the federal partial-birth abortion ban by dismembering the fetus while it is partially outside the womb. This has sparked concerns and raised questions about the organization's practices.

Many have accused Planned Parenthood of profiting from the sale of fetal tissue, but the nonprofit maintains that it does not profit commercially from such donations. They claim that the discussions in the video were about legal, not-for-profit donations of fetal tissue to research firms. In fact, a previous study conducted by the Committee on Oversight and Accountability Democrats has debunked these allegations.

Despite the efforts of Daleiden to entrap Planned Parenthood, the organization has not been proven to profit from its fetal tissue donation program. This was confirmed in a letter from Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards, addressed to several political leaders in 2015. Additionally, it has been reported that only a small number of Planned Parenthood affiliates actually participate in fetal tissue research and that donation is not available at the majority of their health centers.

It is important to note that Planned Parenthood provides a wide range of reproductive healthcare services to those in need. This includes birth control, contraceptives, pregnancy advice, and yes, abortion. The organization was founded in 1916 by Margaret Sanger and has since become the largest provider of such services in the United States. While there are certainly differing opinions on the issue of abortion, it is crucial to accurately portray the practices and goals of organizations like Planned Parenthood.

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