Intoxicated vacationer steals bulldozer worth £295,000 and wrecks it in popular tourist destination.

A German has been in court, but the outcome is unknown.

June 11th 2024.

Intoxicated vacationer steals bulldozer worth £295,000 and wrecks it in popular tourist destination.
A bizarre incident in Majorca has left authorities scratching their heads and a 26-year-old tourist in hot water. According to reports, the young man, who has not been named, somehow managed to break into a quarry near his hotel and steal a bulldozer worth a whopping £295,000. But his joyride quickly turned into a disaster when he lost control of the 25-tonne vehicle and crashed it near a perilous 30ft drop.

Thankfully, the tourist escaped with only minor injuries and was able to seek help from a nearby house, where he was eventually apprehended by the police. It appears that he had been covered in blood from the accident, adding to the confusion and chaos surrounding the bizarre incident. The owners of the quarry, who are understandably upset about the damage to their property, have pressed charges against the reckless holidaymaker.

Authorities are still trying to piece together what exactly the man was trying to accomplish with the bulldozer. Some sources suggest that he may have been attempting to drive it back to his hotel, while others claim that he was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident. The truth may never be fully known, but one thing is for sure - the consequences will be severe for the young man.

A spokesperson for the National Police in Majorca confirmed the arrest, stating that the tourist had entered the quarry and caused significant damage to the bulldozer before crashing it and injuring himself. The incident, which occurred around 7:30 pm on Sunday in Playa de Palma, has caused quite a stir in the area. The quarry had been closed since the previous day, so it is unclear how the man managed to access the bulldozer.

The owners of the quarry have stated that the bulldozer is beyond repair and will need to be replaced. In addition, the cost of the machine being out of service has been estimated at a staggering £8,500 per day. It seems that the tourist's joyride will end up costing him a fortune, regardless of his intentions. The man has already appeared before a judge, but it is not yet known what the outcome of his case will be.

In the meantime, locals and tourists alike are left shaking their heads at the bizarre turn of events. It serves as a reminder to always think before acting, as one impulsive decision can have serious consequences. As for the quarry owners, they are left to pick up the pieces and try to move on from this strange and costly incident.

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