Instead of celebrating Father's Day, I am choosing to honor and appreciate my mother.

My mom and I are very close since I have no siblings and no father figure in my life.

June 16th 2024.

Instead of celebrating Father's Day, I am choosing to honor and appreciate my mother.
Growing up, I was raised by my mother in a single-parent household. Despite the challenges that come with raising a child alone, my mother did an amazing job and I am forever grateful for her love and sacrifices. So, on Father's Day, I decided to show her just how much she means to me.

I handed my mum a handwritten card, filled with all the sentiment, memories, and gratitude I had for her. At first, she was confused and asked me what it was for. But as she read the words I had poured my heart into, she couldn't hold back her tears. We shared a big hug, and in that moment, I knew she understood.

For many, Father's Day is a day to celebrate their dads and thank them for shaping their lives. But for me, it's a day to celebrate my mum, Janet, for being both my parents rolled into one. You see, my biological dad left when I was just two years old and he never made any attempt to contact me. But I never felt the need to reach out to him because my mum was all I needed.

My mum never hid the fact that I had a dad, she was always upfront about it. But she was also the main person in my life, and I never felt like I was missing out on anything. I was given my mum's surname instead of my dad's, and his name doesn't even appear on my birth certificate. My mum wanted me to have her name, and I am proud to carry it.

She has been the main person in my life for nearly 24 years, and I couldn't be more grateful. I never think about my dad or wonder what life would have been like if he had stayed. My mum has always been there for me, emotionally supporting me through college and university, and giving me the best advice. She is my everything.

Growing up in a single-parent household was never a negative thing for me. In fact, it brought my mum and me closer together. Our bond is unbreakable, and the memories we have are precious. We have been through tough times, like when we had to move because I was being bullied in school. But my mum always made the best out of a bad situation and we shared many laughs along the way.

My mum is the one who cuddles me when I'm sad and does everything in her power to make things better. We have the same sense of humor, finish each other's sentences, and have similar tastes in home decor, fashion, and entertainment. We love binge-watching shows like Breaking Bad, Bates Motel, and RuPaul's Drag Race together.

As a child, a few of my friends also came from single-parent households, so I never felt like the odd one out. But I did envy those who had big families with both parents and siblings. However, looking back, I realize that my Christmases and holidays were just as special, if not more. They may have been small, but they were always filled with love, laughter, and magical moments with my mum and my nan.

On Father's Day, I celebrate my mum's dad, Maurice Quirk, who passed away when I was just three years old. I have fond memories of writing letters to him and leaving them at his grave in a small Cornish fishing village. Although he is no longer with us, I still visit his grave whenever I can and send letters down to be placed there.

Father's Day may not have been a significant day for me in the past, but as I grew up, I realized just how much my mum had fulfilled both parental roles for the majority of my life. And now, it's a day to honor and celebrate the amazing woman who has been my mother and father all in one. I am blessed to have her in my life, and I will always be grateful for her love and guidance.
I was lucky enough to have my mother as my only parent growing up. She did an incredible job raising me on her own, and I wanted to show her just how much I appreciated her on Father's Day. So, I handed her a card that I had poured my heart and soul into. As she read through it, filled with memories and gratitude, she couldn't help but ask me what the special occasion was.

With a smile on my face, I told her that she deserved to be celebrated on Father's Day because she has been both my mom and dad rolled into one. We shared a big hug as she teared up, and it was a moment I will never forget.

While most people see Father's Day as a day to thank their dads for everything they've done, for me, it's a chance to thank my mom, Janet, for being my rock and shaping me into the woman I am today. You see, I grew up in a single-parent household after my biological dad walked out when I was just two years old. He never made an effort to contact me, and to be honest, I haven't tried to reach out either. I'm content with the amazing mom I have, and that's all I need.

My mom never hid the fact that I had a dad, she was always upfront about it. But she has been the main person in my life for as long as I can remember. I was even given her last name instead of my dad's, and his name doesn't even appear on my birth certificate. It's just been me and my mom, and that's all I've ever needed.

I never wonder what life would have been like if my dad had stayed in the picture. My mom has been my everything for almost 24 years now, and I wouldn't have it any other way. She's the one who cuddles me when I'm sad, gives me the best advice, and supports me through everything. She's my rock, and I couldn't have asked for a better mom.

Growing up, a few of my friends also came from single-parent households, so I never felt like I was missing out on anything. But I did envy my friends who had big families with dads and brothers. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous of the big, extravagant Christmases they had. Meanwhile, my Christmases consisted of just me, my mom, and my nan. Looking back, I realize that our small celebrations were always filled with love, laughter, and magic.

I also envied my friends who went on family vacations with large groups of relatives. Meanwhile, my mom, nan, and I would pile into a small caravan in a tiny town in Cornwall where my grandad was evacuated during World War 2. But looking back, those trips were some of the best memories I have with my mom and nan. We may not have had a big family, but we made the most out of every moment together.

With no siblings and no father figure in my life, my mom and I are like two peas in a pod. We have the same sense of humor, can finish each other's sentences, and have similar tastes in everything from home decor to music. We love binge-watching our favorite shows together, like Breaking Bad, Bates Motel, and RuPaul's Drag Race.

As a child, I celebrated Father's Day by remembering my grandad. He passed away when I was just three years old, so my main memories of Father's Day involve writing letters to him and visiting his grave in a small fishing village in Cornwall. Even though he's no longer with us, I still make sure to visit his grave whenever I can and send letters to be placed there.

Father's Day didn't hold much significance to me until a couple of years ago when I truly realized just how much my mom has done for me. She has been my mom and dad, my best friend, and my biggest supporter. I am forever grateful for everything she has done for me, and I will always celebrate her on Father's Day.

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