Injuries force 80s popstar to cancel entire tour.

It deeply saddens me.

September 5th 2024.

Injuries force 80s popstar to cancel entire tour.
Paula Abdul, a well-known singer and former American Idol star, recently announced with a heavy heart that she has been forced to cancel her Straight Up! tour to Canada. The 62-year-old singer shared on Instagram that she has sustained some injuries that will require her to undergo a minor procedure and need up to two months to recover. This has unfortunately led to her cancelling her performances.

In her statement, Paula expressed her deep apologies to her fans and shared that the decision to cancel the tour truly breaks her heart. She had been eagerly looking forward to the upcoming tour and was excited to connect with her fans through her music and performances.

However, after consulting with her doctors and exploring all options, it was advised that she undergo a minor procedure followed by a recovery time of 6-8 weeks. This means she will not be able to proceed with the tour as well as the scheduled dates in Alaska and North Dakota.

Paula also shared that she had received targeted injections in an effort to continue with the tour, but the demands of performing on an entire tour were too much for her body to handle. She promised her fans that she will be back, stronger and better, to give them the show they deserve.

Refunds are available for those who have purchased tickets and Paula thanked her fans for their love, patience and understanding during this difficult time. She ended her statement by expressing her love and gratitude and promised to share more updates in the future.

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