Infant recovered after vehicle stolen with her inside at five months old.

The infant is five months old.

September 23rd 2024.

Infant recovered after vehicle stolen with her inside at five months old.
Great news everyone! Daisy, the five-month-old baby girl who was taken in a car hijacking in central Dublin earlier today, has been found alive and well. The police have officially cancelled the missing child alert as the little one has been located.

The incident occurred around 2pm when Daisy's mother was outside her car and a man suddenly hijacked it with the baby still inside, strapped into her car seat. The mother must have been terrified, not knowing what could happen to her precious child. But thankfully, Daisy has been found safe and sound in Dublin City Centre.

For those who may have seen the car, it is a silver Nissan Qashqai with a 10 D 21328 registration plate. You might also notice a dog cage in the back window. These details could be helpful in identifying the vehicle if it is still in the area.

The suspect is described as wearing dark clothing and a baseball hat at the time of the car theft, which occurred near Gardiner Street in north Dublin. It's a relief that Daisy has been found unharmed, but it's still important for the police to find the culprit and bring them to justice.

Let's spread the word and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity in the area. We all need to work together to keep our community and our children safe. Thank goodness Daisy is back with her family, we can all breathe a sigh of relief.

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