Industry should produce fewer video games - Reader's Feature.

Reader thinks video game layoffs need to be reduced to 1990s levels for the entire industry to thrive.

March 10th 2024.

Industry should produce fewer video games - Reader's Feature.
Is the gaming industry growing too large for its own good? As a reader, I have been pondering this question as I see more and more layoffs happening at video game companies. It's a tough situation for those directly affected, and having been through company layoffs myself, I can empathize with the stress and emotional toll it takes.

But amidst all the discussions about the recent layoffs, I can't help but wonder: is the gaming industry simply too big? Let's consider some numbers. The popular NES console, which was released from 1983-1995, had a total of 1,395 officially licensed games. That's an average of just over 100 games per year. Now let's compare that to the PlayStation 4, the best-selling console of the last generation, which had 3,343 games available from 2013-2024. That's an average of over 300 games per year, almost three times as many as the NES.

I'm not saying that having more games is a bad thing. In fact, I believe that games today are better than ever in terms of quality. But do we really need this many games? As a gamer who grew up in the 80s and 90s, I remember being able to keep up with the major releases each year. Now, it's nearly impossible to do so with the sheer number of games available.

Even as a self-proclaimed "hardcore" gamer, I find myself struggling to find the time to play all the games I want to. I have a backlog of games I've purchased but haven't even touched, not to mention the countless games available through subscription services. And I know I'm not alone in this situation. So what's the point of having so many games if we can't even play them all?

I understand that my opinion may be controversial, but I find it interesting that this issue doesn't seem to arise in other forms of entertainment. Look at streaming platforms, for example. Most people would agree that there are simply too many, producing more content than any one person could possibly consume. And if I were to suggest that some of these platforms should close down, I doubt there would be much outrage. Yet, when it comes to the gaming industry, people seem to get upset at the mere suggestion of downsizing.

But the truth is, industries rise and fall, grow and contract all the time. It's a natural part of the business world. Movie studios, music companies, and book publishers all face the same challenges. And while it may be painful for those affected, managing a shrinking gaming industry with support for those impacted could ultimately benefit us all.

So, I'm not saying that the gaming industry needs to go back to the size it was in the 90s. But perhaps we could benefit from a more manageable output of games. And this would also mean fewer companies and employees, but this is a reality that we see in other industries as well. As a reader, I urge everyone to consider this perspective and think about our own gaming habits. And let's remember that sometimes, less is more.

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