Indian scientist invents technology for speedy electric car charging, taking only 10 minutes.

Indian scientist and team develop technology to charge devices quickly, charging a dead laptop or phone in 1 minute or an electric car in 10 minutes.

May 25th 2024.

Indian scientist invents technology for speedy electric car charging, taking only 10 minutes.
In a groundbreaking development, a team of researchers led by Indian-origin scientist, Ankur Gupta, has made a remarkable discovery that could revolutionize the way we charge our electronic devices. The team's new technology has the potential to charge a dead laptop or phone in just one minute, and an electric car in just 10 minutes.

This groundbreaking study, published in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, delves into the intricate movements of tiny charged particles called ions within a complex network of minuscule pores. According to Gupta, an assistant professor of chemical and biological engineering at the renowned University of Colorado Boulder, this discovery could pave the way for the development of highly efficient energy storage devices, such as "supercapacitors".

The significance of this discovery extends far beyond just electronic devices. Gupta explains that it could also have a major impact on power grids, where fluctuating energy demands require efficient storage to avoid wastage during periods of low demand and ensure quick delivery during high demand. Supercapacitors, which rely on the collection of ions within their pores, have the advantage of incredibly fast charging times and longer lifespans compared to traditional batteries.

The team's research focused on the movement of ions within a complex network of interconnected pores, rather than just a single straight pore as previously studied. This breakthrough now allows for the simulation and prediction of ion flow in just minutes, even in a complicated network of thousands of pores. This advancement is a major step forward in understanding and harnessing the power of supercapacitors.

This groundbreaking discovery has the potential to revolutionize the way we use and store energy, and could have a significant impact on our daily lives. With the ability to charge electronic devices and power vehicles at lightning speed, as well as improve the efficiency of power grids, Gupta and his team's new technology is truly a game-changer.

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