India's rating outlook upgraded to positive by S&P due to economic growth and increased government spending.

S&P Global Ratings upgraded India's sovereign rating to positive from stable due to strong economic growth and improvements in government spending.

May 29th 2024.

India's rating outlook upgraded to positive by S&P due to economic growth and increased government spending.
In a positive development for India, S&P Global Ratings announced on Wednesday that it has upgraded the country's sovereign rating outlook from stable to positive. The rating itself remains at 'BBB-', reflecting the agency's confidence in India's strong economic growth and improved government spending.

According to S&P, India has the potential to see even further improvements in its sovereign rating over the next two years. This could be achieved through careful fiscal and monetary policies that reduce the government's high levels of debt and interest burden, while also strengthening the country's overall economic resilience.

Explaining the rationale behind the upgrade, S&P stated, "The positive outlook reflects our belief that India's commitment to policy stability, ongoing economic reforms, and significant investments in infrastructure will continue to drive long-term growth prospects." In addition to upgrading the outlook, S&P also affirmed India's 'BBB-' long-term and 'A-3' short-term unsolicited foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings.

It's worth noting that 'BBB-' is the lowest investment grade rating, but this is still a significant improvement from India's previous rating of 'negative' in 2010. Looking ahead, S&P has outlined a few key areas that could result in further upgrades for India's sovereign rating. These include a notable reduction in the fiscal deficit, leading to a decrease in the government's debt-to-GDP ratio, as well as continued progress in managing inflation through effective monetary policies.

S&P also highlighted the fact that all three major global rating agencies, including Fitch and Moody's, have given India an investment grade rating. This is an important indicator for investors, as it reflects the country's creditworthiness and has an impact on borrowing costs. While Fitch and Moody's have maintained a stable outlook for their ratings, S&P's upgrade to a positive outlook is certainly a step in the right direction for India's economic growth and stability.

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