India Rose created the Martha's Vineyard Black-Owned Business Directory to support Black entrepreneurs.

India Rose used her knowledge of Black businesses on Martha's Vineyard to create a directory to connect them with the community.

July 29th 2023.

India Rose created the Martha's Vineyard Black-Owned Business Directory to support Black entrepreneurs.
India Rose is the go-to person for Black people visiting Martha’s Vineyard every summer in search of Black-owned businesses on the island. India, who has lived on the island year-round since growing up there, would often receive messages from people asking if she knew of any Black-owned restaurants or landscaping companies.

In 2019, India responded to these requests by creating the Martha’s Vineyard Black-Owned Business Directory. This directory provides a wide variety of Black-owned businesses on the island, including restaurants, hair & beauty salons, private chefs, and catering. It also features home improvement services and realtors.

In the first year, the directory was well-received. But in the summer of 2020, it became even more popular due to the pandemic and the social unrest caused by George Floyd’s murder. India began to receive requests for a physical version of the directory, and in 2021, she made this possible. The first year the physical copy was released was 2021, and the directory has grown from 30 pages that year to 92 pages this summer.

In addition to the directory, India also owns Sideline, a motivational sportswear brand and community gathering space for events, pop-ups, and networking opportunities. The brand was inspired by India’s experience as a sideline mom, constantly cheering her children on at their events.

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of the directory, a pop-up marketplace was held with businesses from the guide and music from India’s husband, DJ Smooth B. India is already working on next year’s edition of the directory, which will include some journalistic articles and highlights of the businesses.

India is grateful that the directory was embraced by the locals, and was pleasantly surprised by the amount of attention it has gotten. She hopes that the directory will continue to provide a way for Black visitors to spend their money with Black people.

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