India and Russia are getting ready to host the upcoming summit, according to the MEA.

India and Russia are getting ready for their next summit, according to the Ministry of External Affairs. They have a history of 21 meetings and are currently planning for the next one.

June 28th 2024.

India and Russia are getting ready to host the upcoming summit, according to the MEA.
The Indian Ministry of External Affairs announced on Friday that preparations are currently underway for the upcoming India-Russia summit. According to spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal, this summit will mark the 22nd bilateral meeting between the two countries, as part of their well-established relationship. Jaiswal also mentioned that the dates for the summit will be shared with the public as soon as they are finalized.

These statements were made by Jaiswal during a media briefing, in response to recent comments made by a Kremlin official in Moscow. The Russian official, Yuri Ushakov, confirmed that preparations are being made for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Russia. While Ushakov could not provide exact dates yet, he assured reporters that the visit will indeed take place.

Sources in the Indian diplomatic community have revealed that the prime minister's visit is being planned for July 8th, although this is not yet confirmed. The annual summit between the Indian prime minister and the Russian president is considered to be the highest level of dialogue between the two countries, and is held alternatively in India and Russia. The last summit took place in December 2021, when President Vladimir Putin visited New Delhi.

During the summit, both sides signed 28 agreements and released a joint statement titled "India-Russia Partnership for Peace, Progress and Prosperity." The last bilateral talks between Modi and Putin took place on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit in Uzbekistan in September 2022. During this meeting, Modi had urged Putin to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine, emphasizing that war is not the answer.

Despite the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, India has maintained its strong friendship with Russia and has not condemned Moscow's actions. This is reflective of the longstanding and time-tested partnership between the two countries, which has been a key pillar of India's foreign policy. In fact, India's import of Russian crude oil has increased despite the G7 price cap imposed on Russian oil in response to the invasion of Ukraine.

It is clear that the India-Russia relationship remains strong, with plans for the upcoming summit in the works. As both countries look towards the future, it is evident that their friendship will continue to thrive.

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