Inbox discusses upcoming Naughty Dog game, concerns about Nintendo Switch 2, and hopes for a Legacy Of Kain comeback.

Monday's letters page faces issues with Call Of Duty downloads, with a reader hoping for a new version of Stunt Car Racer.

July 29th 2024.

Inbox discusses upcoming Naughty Dog game, concerns about Nintendo Switch 2, and hopes for a Legacy Of Kain comeback.
Have you ever wondered what Naughty Dog, the acclaimed video game developer, is currently working on? I was thinking about it today and realized that we haven't heard any updates from them in a while. The last we heard, they were working on remakes and remasters, as well as a cancelled multiplayer game, but now it seems like they have nothing in the works.

There have been rumors that they are developing a new IP with a fantasy setting, but they have also hinted that a third installment of The Last Of Us may not happen. However, with the success of the TV show, I find it hard to believe that Sony wouldn't offer them a great deal to make another game. Plus, it would give them more material to adapt!

I know it's pointless to speculate why they haven't announced anything yet, as that would lead to a whole other conversation about Sony. But as a fan of Naughty Dog, it would be nice to have some insight into their current projects. While they have received praise for their games, it's true that they haven't ventured too far from their third-person action adventure formula since the PlayStation 3.

Personally, I would love to see them tackle something new and different, rather than another third-person action game with similar gameplay to Uncharted. While I'm not the biggest fan of The Last Of Us, I appreciate their creativity and would love to see them push the boundaries even further.

In other gaming news, I found it interesting that a Reader's Feature over the weekend mentioned Nintendo's comment about games taking longer to make in the future. I was disappointed by their response, as they seemed resigned to this fate rather than trying to find solutions.

It's concerning to think how this may affect the development of the Switch 2. Will we see an increase in game prices, or perhaps more live service or gacha games? Nintendo has already experimented with these models, and if they prove to be profitable, I wouldn't be surprised if they continue down that path.

As for voice actors, I can understand why they would go on strike. Not only are they being treated unfairly by their current union, but it seems short-sighted for companies to mistreat them when they will ultimately need their talents. It's a shame that sometimes profit takes precedence over treating people fairly.

Switching gears, I have some exciting news for fans of Legacy Of Kain. It was recently announced that we will be getting remasters of both Soul Reaver games! While this may not lead to a new game just yet, it's a step in the right direction. And the fact that there will also be new merchandise is a promising sign that this may not be a one-time event.

I can't help but wonder when the official announcement was supposed to be. Perhaps at Comic-Con or some other online event? I'm hoping for something similar to the Silent Hill 2 announcement for its remake and spin-offs. I know Legacy Of Kain may not have the same level of popularity, but a fan can dream.

Lastly, I wanted to share my own experience with Call Of Duty downloads. I recently got the newer Modern Warfare 2 on disc for my PlayStation 5, but was unable to play until I downloaded a mandatory update and created an Activision account. It was frustrating to have the campaign buried in the menu and then having to download more files to progress. It almost felt like a never-ending process that ate up my valuable free time.
Naughty Dog, the acclaimed game developer, has been keeping their current project under wraps. It seems like only yesterday they were working on multiple remakes and remasters, as well as a cancelled multiplayer game. But now, they have nothing in the works.

Rumors have been circulating that they are working on a new IP with a fantasy theme, but many fans are still holding out hope for a third installment in The Last of Us series. With the success of the TV show adaptation, it would make sense for Sony to offer Naughty Dog the opportunity to create another game in the series. However, only time will tell what Naughty Dog has in store for us.

Some fans are hoping for a change in direction from the developer, as they have primarily focused on third person action games since the PlayStation 3 era. While their games have received critical acclaim, there is a desire to see something new and different from Naughty Dog.

Speaking of change, a recent Reader's Feature mentioned Nintendo's response to the possibility of longer development times for games in the future. Many are concerned that this may lead to a price increase for games and the introduction of live service or gacha games. Only time will tell if these worries become a reality with the release of the rumored Switch 2.

In other news, voice actors are currently on strike due to a poor deal from their union. Some speculate that the gaming industry is moving towards using AI for voices, which could lead to a lack of job opportunities for human actors. Fans are urging companies to treat their employees fairly, as they are the ones who create the entertainment we all enjoy.

On the topic of fair treatment, the recent price drop for PlayStation VR raises concerns about Sony's support for the product. Many see the lack of wireless capabilities as a major drawback, especially when there are cheaper and more versatile options available. It seems that Sony's lack of enthusiasm for VR has caused it to fall by the wayside.

But it's not all bad news, as the beloved Legacy of Kain series is making a comeback with remasters of both Soul Reaver games. While it may still be a long way from a new game in the series, fans are excited at the possibility. And with new merchandise on the horizon, it seems that this may not be a one-time event.

Finally, one reader shares their frustrating experience with mandatory updates and downloads for Call of Duty. It seems that even when trying to play a single player campaign, gamers are forced to endure lengthy downloads and updates. Let's hope this trend doesn't continue in the future.

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