Inbox discusses release of Xbox games on PS5, impressions of Elden Ring DLC, and speculation about a potential Nintendo Direct in 2024.

The Thursday letters page is interested to know how Call Of Duty's addition to Game Pass will impact players, with one reader hoping for God Of War on Xbox.

February 22nd 2024.

Inbox discusses release of Xbox games on PS5, impressions of Elden Ring DLC, and speculation about a potential Nintendo Direct in 2024.
It seems like the gaming industry is changing rapidly, with former Xbox exclusives now becoming available on other platforms. This is a topic that has sparked a lot of discussion, as seen on the Thursday letters page. Some are curious to see how the inclusion of Call Of Duty on Game Pass will impact the service, while others are hoping for more Xbox exclusives to make their way onto other platforms.

There is even speculation that Xbox exclusives may make their way to the Nintendo Switch, with some readers mentioning the possibility of seeing titles like Halo on the handheld console. It's clear that gaming is evolving and we can only wait and see if it's for the better.

One reader, Benson, raises the question of whether these games will also come to the PlayStation 5. It's possible that this decision may have been influenced by Sony's stance on exclusivity, as they may not have been as welcoming to these titles as Nintendo was. It seems that Microsoft will have to do some convincing to win over Sony and their own fans.

Moving on, another reader, Johnson, shares their thoughts on the impact of Call Of Duty's inclusion on Game Pass. They believe that if this doesn't attract a wider audience to the service, then nothing else will. They also mention the possibility of getting EA Sports FC on Game Pass, although it may come at a hefty cost.

Next, Walt expresses their excitement for the upcoming DLC for Elden Ring, admiring its impressive visuals and unique boss designs. Despite the confusing story, they are fully invested and eager to spend countless hours playing it.

One format future

One reader, Bobwallett, is grateful for the inclusion of former Xbox exclusives on other platforms, as they don't have to purchase a new console to play the games they love. They hope this trend continues, especially with their favorite series, God Of War.

On the other hand, Terry Gold fears that this may be the beginning of the end for console gaming. They believe that exclusives serve a specific purpose and without them, a certain type of video game may disappear. They also predict the rise of live service games as exclusives become less relevant.

Lastly, NatorDom speculates on the release date of multiple games, all set for March 22nd, 2024. They believe that this decision may have been influenced by corporate interests and the desire to boost financial statements. However, they question why all games would release on the same day, with no other competition within the same financial quarter.

Overall, it's clear that the gaming industry is changing and it remains to be seen whether these changes will benefit the industry and its players. Only time will tell.
It was announced that the popular Xbox game, Grounded, will no longer be an exclusive title for the console. This news sparked curiosity among readers in regards to the potential impact of this change on other games, such as Call Of Duty and God Of War. The discussions were lively, with some even suggesting the possibility of Xbox exclusives being available on Nintendo Switch. However, some questioned whether these games would also make their way to PlayStation 5, as it was not part of the initial announcement.

One reader, Benson, shared their thoughts on the matter, expressing their interest in seeing how Call Of Duty would fare on Game Pass and whether it would attract a wider audience. They also pondered on the possibility of Xbox exclusives being available on PlayStation 5, and the potential challenges Microsoft may face in convincing Sony to make this happen.

Another reader, Johnson, added to the discussion by acknowledging the popularity of Call Of Duty and its mainstream appeal, but also pointing out that casual gamers may not be interested in a subscription service like Game Pass. They also brought up the idea of having EA Sports games available on the service, but questioned the feasibility of such a move.

The topic then shifted to the recent release of a DLC trailer for Elden Ring, with reader Walt expressing their excitement for the game and its incomprehensible yet impressive trailer. They also shared their love for FromSoftware's work and their surprise at the game's success, hoping for another few hundred hours of gameplay in the new generation.

Another reader, Bobwallett, shared their perspective on the trend of exclusives becoming available on other devices, expressing their gratitude for being able to play their favorite games without having to purchase multiple consoles. They also expressed their hope for the next God Of War game to be available on Xbox Series X, and the potential release on platforms like Steam or Epic Games Store.

Lastly, reader Terry Gold raised concerns about the impact of exclusives disappearing on console gaming, suggesting that it could lead to the rise of live service games. They also shared their thoughts on the recent announcement of three major games releasing on the same day, speculating that it may be a strategic move to boost financial numbers before the end of the financial year for companies like Capcom, Sony, and Nintendo.

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