Inbox discusses reasons for Concord's failure, speculation about PS6 hybrid console, and possibility of pre-orders for Beyond Good & Evil 2.

Readers look forward to the Nintendo Switch 2 and hope for new Transformers games, according to Monday's letters page.

September 2nd 2024.

Inbox discusses reasons for Concord's failure, speculation about PS6 hybrid console, and possibility of pre-orders for Beyond Good & Evil 2.
Oh Concord, where did it all go wrong? The failure of this game is truly astounding, especially considering the high sales numbers of single-player Sony games. Some may argue that Sony will not abandon live service games so easily based on this failure, but I personally believe that there were other factors at play.

It's unlikely that the average person holds a strong stance against live service games, or even knows what the term means. However, they do know when a game reveal falls flat. And that's exactly what happened with Concord. The unveiling was lackluster, with a poor imitation of Guardians of the Galaxy and generic gameplay footage. It seemed to go on forever, in a State of Play event where fans were eagerly awaiting exciting news. And then the final blow: it wasn't even free. Just imagine if a game like Apex Legends had launched as a paid-for title. Its success is largely due to its free-to-play model. Therefore, I believe that Concord's downfall can be attributed to its lack of being free.

Moving on to a different topic, I have mixed feelings about putting Nintendo on a pedestal. While they may prioritize their own profits and well-being over the gaming industry as a whole, I can't help but agree with the recent Reader's Feature that discussed the potential release of the Nintendo Switch 2. With Microsoft and Sony struggling to deliver on their promises, the idea of a new and improved Nintendo console is quite appealing.

One line in particular caught my attention: "Nintendo is the adult in the room." It's true that Microsoft and Sony have made some questionable decisions lately, but what's more concerning is their lack of a clear plan and their tendency to simply react to problems rather than being proactive. Regardless of my personal interest in the console or its games, I hope that the Switch 2 has a successful reveal and a solid roadmap that doesn't involve constant U-turns and excuses.

Looking towards the future, I wouldn't be surprised if the PlayStation 6 ends up being a hybrid console. The days of a traditional console sitting under your TV may be coming to an end. As mentioned in the Reader's Feature, graphics have reached a point of diminishing returns, so a console that's not necessarily more powerful than its predecessor wouldn't be a major issue. In fact, it could lead to more sustainable gaming practices and allow Sony developers to create more unique and diverse games without budget constraints.

On a different note, I was disappointed to see that Beyond Good & Evil 2 is available for pre-order on Amazon and ShopTo despite the lack of information and potential delays. As a fan of the first game, I will wait to see previews and reviews before making a purchase. It's concerning that the game has been in development for so long with little to no updates.

Lastly, I came across a rumor that Microsoft may be working on two new Transformers games, set to release this year. While I'm unsure if this is true, I would love to see a new high-budget game in the franchise. With the 40th anniversary of Transformers this year, it would be the perfect time for an announcement. Perhaps we could even get a sequel to Fall Of Cybertron if Microsoft re-licenses the game from Activision. I can only hope that this rumor proves to be true and we get a reveal at The Game Awards. Fingers crossed it's not based on the Michael Bay movies.
Concord, oh Concord. Where did it all go wrong? It's a question that has been on the minds of many gamers lately. The failure of Concord is just astounding, especially when you consider the success of single-player Sony games. Some have speculated that Sony may not be ready to give up on live service games just yet, but it's hard to pinpoint the exact reason for Concord's demise.

It's unlikely that the average person has a strong opinion against live service games, or even knows what they are. However, they can certainly recognize a bad game when they see one. And let's be real, the reveal of Concord was a disaster. The poor attempt at a Guardians of the Galaxy routine and lackluster gameplay footage left a lot to be desired. And to top it off, it wasn't even a free game. Imagine if Apex Legends had been released as a paid game – it would not have gained the same level of success. It's safe to say that Concord's downfall was primarily due to its lack of free access.

Moving on to a more positive topic, there's been some talk about the potential release of the Nintendo Switch 2. The Monday letters page has sparked some cautious optimism, with one reader expressing their desire for new Transformers video games. It's always exciting to join in on these discussions, so don't hesitate to email your thoughts!

Speaking of advice, I think it's important not to put Nintendo on too high of a pedestal. At the end of the day, they are a business looking out for their own interests and profits. However, I couldn't help but agree with the Reader's Feature over the weekend, which praised Nintendo as the "adult in the room" amidst the chaos caused by Microsoft and Sony. It's refreshing to see a company with a clear plan and not just reacting to problems as they arise.

Many speculate that the PlayStation 6 will likely be a hybrid console, and I believe it's a sign of the times. The days of a console simply being a bulky box under your TV are over. As the Reader's Feature pointed out, the advancements in graphics have slowed down significantly, so it wouldn't be a problem if the PS6 is on par or even slightly less powerful than the PS5. In fact, it could lead to a more sustainable gaming industry, with budgets not spiraling out of control. And with less pressure on budget, Sony developers could have more freedom to create unique and unusual games.

Now, onto some news about upcoming games. I saw a rumor that Microsoft may be working on two new Transformers games, set to release later this year. As a fan of the franchise, I would love to see a new big-budget game. And with this year being the 40th anniversary of Transformers, it would be the perfect time for an announcement. I hope it's not based on the Michael Bay movies though – let's leave those in the past.

On a final note, I came across some news about Beyond Good & Evil 2 being available for pre-order on Amazon and ShopTo. I'm a big fan of the first game and have already pre-ordered the physical version for PlayStation 5. However, I won't be pre-ordering the second game until I see previews and reviews. After all, it's been in development for a long time and we still don't have a solid release date. I really hope it turns out to be a good game, but I wasn't too impressed with the gameplay shown in the early trailers. Only time will tell.

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