In a warning, TikToker Keith Lee threatens to physically harm someone if needed.

Lee avoids problems by hiring a security team due to his fame.

June 5th 2024.

In a warning, TikToker Keith Lee threatens to physically harm someone if needed.
Keith Lee is not one to mess around with. The popular TikTok star recently made it clear that he will not hesitate to "beat the hell out of somebody" if necessary. This statement came after a chaotic incident in New Orleans where fans swarmed him for pictures and autographs.

Keith has gained immense fame on TikTok, thanks to his entertaining food reviews. However, with fame comes a lot of attention, as Keith and his crew experienced first-hand during their Keith Lee and Family Food Tour. The media frenzy turned into a swarm of fans in New Orleans, leaving Keith feeling overwhelmed and concerned for his safety. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Keith opened up about the incident and how it prompted him to increase his security measures.

"It was crazy," Keith recalled. "Before I knew it, our car was surrounded by fans. People were stopping their cars in the middle of traffic, jumping out, and running towards us for pictures. Some were even crying and screaming."

Normally, Keith tries to avoid any confrontations and has even hired a security team to handle such situations. However, as a trained MMA fighter, he is not afraid to defend himself if needed. "I'm not one to seek out conflict," Keith explained. "But I have the best security team and I know God is always watching over me. Plus, my hands are registered, so if push comes to shove, I'll do what I have to do."

Interestingly, Keith's previous career as a professional fighter is what led him to start making videos on TikTok. He wanted to improve his public speaking skills and promote his matches, so he turned to the popular social media app. "I used to get so nervous during interviews," Keith admitted. "It would ruin my whole day just knowing I had to do one. But to be successful in the fighting industry, you have to be good on the mic. So, I challenged myself by using TikTok to get better in front of the camera. I would pretend there were 1,000 people watching me and use it as practice."

As it turns out, Keith's strategy paid off. He found his niche as a content creator, particularly with his food reviews, and now has over 16.3 million followers on TikTok. Who would've thought that a former MMA fighter would become a social media star? But for Keith, it's all about constantly challenging himself and growing as a person. And with his loyal fan base, we have no doubt that he will continue to thrive in whatever path he chooses.

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