In a sinister Coronation Street spoiler video, Amy discusses rape as Rowan performs a disgusting act.

A new low has been reached.

August 26th 2024.

In a sinister Coronation Street spoiler video, Amy discusses rape as Rowan performs a disgusting act.
As the drama in Coronation Street unfolds, the character of Amy Barlow finds herself in a deeper and more concerning situation within the cult she joined. Meanwhile, Leanne Battersby makes a startling discovery about the group's leader, Rowan Cunliffe.

Leanne has been a member of The Institute for most of the year, ever since Rowan made her go through a process known as "uploading." This involved discussing her past traumas in great detail, causing her to experience intense emotions. Recently, Rowan informed Leanne that she had reached a certain level of importance in the group, allowing her to recruit other members. And it wasn't long before she set her sights on Amy, a young woman who had been through a traumatic experience.

In a new video, Leanne, Rowan, and Amy are seen at the flat, getting ready for Amy's first session. Leanne explains to Amy that in order to move forward in life, she must confront her trauma head on. Amy, feeling anxious, reveals that after her assault, she did things she isn't proud of. Rowan then suggests that she close her eyes to feel more comfortable and open up. However, it becomes clear that this is all a ruse as Rowan secretly turns on a recording app on his phone. Leanne notices this and seems troubled by the fact that Rowan will have a permanent record of everything Amy is about to say.

In the following scenes, Leanne insists that Amy is ready for a "malware" session, but it turns out to be much more extreme than Amy could have ever imagined. Actress Elle Mulvaney, who plays Amy, admits she was shocked when she first read the script. She explains that Amy has no idea what a "malware" session entails and when she tries to ask, no one will tell her. As she stands blindfolded in the middle of a circle, Amy is bombarded with insults from the other members. Leanne promises that it will all be worth it in the end, but Amy can't take it anymore and runs out.

Filming these scenes was a unique and unsettling experience for Elle. She reveals that she decided not to wear the blindfold until the actual take in order to feel the discomfort and disorientation that her character would be experiencing. She adds that even the rehearsals felt strange because standing in a circle and being insulted by strangers is not a natural situation. When she finally put on the blindfold for the take, she couldn't help but cry as Amy. Elle explains that it felt real because she was disoriented and didn't recognize the voices, just like how Rowan wants his followers to feel uncomfortable and reliant on him. His method is to break people down in order to rebuild them in his image.

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