In 2023, some Southern schools still practice paddling as a form of discipline for students.

Parents: what are your thoughts on using physical discipline in schools?

August 11th 2023.

It is alarming to learn that in more than 15 states across the country, paddling is still an option for student discipline in schools. Primarily in the South, children are subjected to corporal punishment for transgressions such as talking too much, disrupting class, breaking rules, or being late. According to the Civil Rights Data Collection, Mississippi has been at the top of the list for years. For example, the Scott County School District recorded more than 630 incidents in the 2022-2023 school year, and Prentiss County used paddling 34 times, amounting to once every week.

School corporal punishment is a physical disciplinary method made to correct student misbehavior. It gained popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with students being paddled or “spanked” by a district superintendent or school principal. Unfortunately, this practice is underreported and varies by race and gender. Black boys are twice as likely to be paddled or struck at school compared to white boys. Those with disabilities are also at a greater risk.

Missouri made headlines in early 2023 when the Cassville R-IV School District reinstated paddling to its discipline policy. This came after a new state law required school districts to get written parent permission to give swats before doing so. Districts that implement corporal punishment are expected to send permission slips at the beginning of the school year.

Some district officials are undecided on the matter. For example, Pamela Halstead, administrator of Callao C-8 School District, said that corporal punishment is the last resort. She also stated that the last time she swatted a student was almost 10 years ago, at a parent’s request. While she acknowledges that her district is one of the few that do keep corporal punishment on their list of options, she insists that it is not the first or even the second option.

Psychologists and advocates have argued that this practice is both extreme and ineffective in terms of behavior change or learning from mistakes. It can cause a misunderstanding of childhood trauma and lead to antisocial behavior and mental health problems in adults. Studies show that those who were spanked as kids are more likely to display such issues.

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