Idris Elba plans to create an environmentally-friendly city and a film studio in Africa.

Elba is working to fully unlock Africa's potential, from nature to culture, despite being in the early stages of development.

August 7th 2024.

Idris Elba plans to create an environmentally-friendly city and a film studio in Africa.
British actor Idris Elba has his sights set on a new venture - bringing his biggest aspirations to Africa. The 51-year-old plans to invest in the vast continent by creating an "eco-city" and establishing a film studio known as "Zollywood."

As reported by Afrotech, Elba, whose father is from Sierra Leone, is eager to "realize [his] ambitions" in his ancestral homeland. He believes that Africa, with its size and vitality, is the only place that can accommodate his grand plans. In fact, during his first visit in 2019, he was granted citizenship in Sierra Leone.

In an interview with BBC, Elba explained, "Neither America nor England can contain my ambition. Only Africa can do that. I could create another Disney here, something I can't do in America." His West African roots and his mother's Ghanaian heritage serve as his inspiration for investing in the region. As a "son of the soil," Elba is determined to use his influence and success to uplift his native community.

He expressed, "I am no stranger to Africa - I have filmed there, championed its beauty, and now I am investing in it. But Sierra Leone holds a special place in my heart because it is my parents' home. The warm welcome I have received has been overwhelming, and I am excited to be part of the rising energy in Sierra Leone. The son of the soil has returned to fertilize the land."

But Elba's entrepreneurial spirit doesn't end there, as previously covered by BLACK ENTERPRISE. He also plans to develop an "eco-dynamic city" on a coastal island off the coast of Sierra Leone. This project aims to drive tourism to the area and create a sustainable community.

Elba shared, "Seven years ago, my business partner Siaka Stevens, the grandson of the former president, approached me and said, 'Someone needs to develop Sherbro Island for tourism.' And now, we have partnered with the government to create a plan for a smart, eco-dynamic city. It started with tourism, but now it has evolved into something much bigger."

According to CNN, Shebro Island boasts pristine beaches and is home to native green sea turtles. Elba envisions running the island on wind power and attracting an international community to experience its beauty.

"Being conscious of the fact that Sierra Leone is one of the poorest countries in the world, we had to find a way to bring in investments without destroying the island's natural beauty," Elba explained. "We also had to consider the youth culture in Africa, with an average age of 20, who want something more."

He believes that the creative industries are crucial for Africa's progress. As an entrepreneur, he sees the opportunity for Africans to reshape their own narrative through storytelling and for the rest of the world to see Africa in a new light.

"The creative industries have the power to change how the world perceives Africa," Elba stated. "I have made nine films in Africa, and each time I see the potential growing, the quality of work improving, and I am always eager to contribute more."

With this in mind, Elba's next project is to establish a film studio in Zanzibar, Tanzania's archipelago. He envisions "Zollywood" as a rival to other major filmmaking hubs worldwide and is leading a movement to provide necessary infrastructure to attract more production to Africa.

Although still in the development stage, Elba remains committed to his mission of unlocking Africa's full potential, from environmental conservation to the entertainment industry. With his determination and vision, he is sure to make a significant impact on the continent and inspire others to follow in his footsteps.

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