"Iconic Coronation Street star could go to prison for hit-and-run incident"

In mere seconds, everything was transformed.

July 15th 2024.

Oh dear! Carla Connor's life took an unexpected turn in Monday's episode of Coronation Street. It all started out like any other day for her, with worries about work and friends on her mind. But little did she know, her day was about to take a dramatic twist.

Carla was busy at Underworld, her mind consumed with thoughts of her friend Roy and being pestered by newcomer Betsy for a summer job. At first, Carla wasn't too keen on giving Betsy more than just work experience. But then, Fiz pointed out that Betsy had a talent for creating their products. Carla's opinion started to shift.

Later on, while searching for Betsy at the precinct, Carla was taken aback when a group of troublemakers started talking to her. She soon realized that they were the same ones who had hassled Roy last week. Standing up for her friend, Carla didn't back down. But things took a turn when she got back in her car and accidentally knocked over a boy on his bike as she opened the door.

Feeling guilty and worried about getting caught, Carla quickly left the scene. Little did she know, Betsy had witnessed the whole thing. The young boy was rushed to the hospital, and Carla couldn't shake off the feeling of anxiety. When Betsy returned, she took pleasure in revealing that she saw what happened and taunted Carla about the consequences of her actions.

Feeling trapped and unsure of what to do, Carla was at a loss. Betsy had her backed into a corner, saying she would keep quiet about the incident if Carla gave her a summer job. But what would happen when the boy eventually started talking? How much would he remember? These were the questions swirling in Carla's mind.

Thanks to Fiz's interference, Carla now knows the boy is in the hospital. But what will happen next for her? Will Betsy really keep her secret or take advantage of Carla again? And when the boy starts talking, how much will he remember? These were the thoughts running through Carla's mind as she tried to navigate this unexpected situation.

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