Iconic 'Coronation Street' actor passes away; TV industry mourns and honors their memory.

He passed away at 86 yrs old.

September 8th 2023.

Iconic 'Coronation Street' actor passes away; TV industry mourns and honors their memory.
Today we are saddened to hear of the passing of John Stevenson, renowned screenwriter and long-time writer for Coronation Street. John worked on more than 400 episodes of the ITV soap, with his last episode airing in 2006. His work was highly acclaimed, including iconic episodes like Mike Baldwin's dementia battle and Curly Watts and Raquel's love story, played by Sarah Lancashire.

Sean Wilson, who is best known for playing Martin Platt on the show, shared his sorrowful message on social media: ‘Oh it is with great regret that I hear of the passing of John Stevenson- the talismanic writer of many an episode of the halcyon years of Coronation Street.’

John was highly praised for his writing skills and ability to capture the comedic side of Northern life. His work has been credited with helping the show reach 20 million viewers and capturing the nation with his unique humor. Sarah Lancashire recently spoke about why she won’t be returning to Corrie anytime soon, in part likely due to John's absence.

Writer and fellow Corrie and EastEnders contributor, Daran Little, also paid tribute to John, saying ‘John headed up a writing team who steered the series into many 20 million viewer storylines and always, but always had one eye in the comedic charms of Northern life.’ He continued, ‘John was a craftsman of tv humour. I swear you could walk down any street in the UK at 7.30 and hear the whole country laughing at John’s special humour.’

John was highly respected by his peers and was even voted the Scriptwriters Scriptwriter by his colleagues. His death was a shock to many, with Daran Little saying he had asked John to write his obituary before he passed, but due to moving house, the notes had been lost.

Many actors, TV stars, and personalities have paid their respects to John, including Sherrie Hewson and Rob McLoughlin. We are deeply saddened by this loss and will miss John's humor and kind spirit.

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