I won't get circumcised as an adult, but my penis issue makes sex difficult.

Men often grumble about using condoms, but I am eager to use one.

October 18th 2024.

I won't get circumcised as an adult, but my penis issue makes sex difficult.
Dylan has a loving and committed relationship with his girlfriend, Pippa. He is excited to share his experiences and thoughts on sex as part of the "How I Do It" series, which gives a sneak peek into the sex life of a stranger for seven days. Dylan is a 27-year-old queer man who works in the charity sector and has a complicated relationship with sex due to a condition called phimosis, where the foreskin of the penis is too tight.

Dylan explains that his condition can cause pain during erections, making sex uncomfortable. Despite this, he and Pippa still have sex around three times a week on average. Dylan reflects on how his condition caused him a lot of distress in his teenage years, as he felt alone and ashamed due to the silence surrounding men's bodies and vulnerabilities.

When he and Pippa first got together, it took them three months before they were able to have penetrative sex due to Dylan's pain. He also admits that it had been a long time since he had last had sex, and he was afraid. However, with time and a loving partner, they have learned what works for Dylan's body, and he now enjoys sex more. Though he still struggles with the memories of past painful experiences, he is grateful for his current relationship.

Dylan starts off the week by mentioning that there are some weeks where he and Pippa don't have sex at all, while other weeks they can't keep their hands off each other. This week happens to be the latter, and they are both feeling very loving and horny. Dylan reflects on how he used to think that having a healthy sex life would never be possible for him due to his condition, but he has since learned that many other men he knows also have phimosis.

He remembers being a terrified fourteen-year-old, searching the internet for answers when he first realized something was wrong with his body. He shares that he used to feel like a historical anomaly when he saw that the only people with phimosis mentioned on the Wikipedia page were a French king and a man who assassinated a US president. However, he is happy that sex now feels like a normal part of his life with Pippa, despite the inevitable challenges that come with being in a long-term relationship.

Dylan and Pippa have learned the best positions for his condition, and he always uses a condom during sex. While some men may complain about wearing a condom, Dylan is grateful for it as it helps reduce friction and discomfort during sex. After they have sex, Dylan cuddles with Pippa and reflects on the painful memories he has from his past experiences. He is grateful to have a loving and understanding partner now.

Dylan also takes the time to educate readers about phimosis, explaining that it is a common condition that can affect both babies and adults. He mentions some of the symptoms to look out for and the available treatments, such as steroid creams, antibiotics, and surgery in some cases. He hopes that by sharing his story, he can help others who may be struggling with similar issues. He also encourages readers to sign up for "The Hook-Up," a newsletter that shares sex and dating stories and tips. He looks forward to welcoming new members and continuing to share his experiences.
Dylan is a 27-year-old man in a loving relationship with his girlfriend, Pippa. They have sex about three times a week, but things haven't always been easy for Dylan due to a condition called phimosis.

Phimosis is a condition where the foreskin of the penis is too tight, causing pain and discomfort during erections. Dylan explains that this has caused a lot of psychological distress for him, especially during his teenage years. He felt alone and ashamed because of the culture of silence around men's bodies and vulnerabilities.

But despite his condition, Dylan and Pippa have found ways to have a fulfilling sex life. It took them three months to have penetrative sex when they first got together because of the pain it caused Dylan. He also admits that his fear and anxiety around sex have made it difficult for him in the past, but with Pippa's love and support, he has been able to overcome these challenges.

Monday kicks off their week with a lot of love and horniness between them. Dylan shares that there are weeks when they can't keep their hands off each other, and there are also weeks when they don't have sex at all. But for most of his life, Dylan didn't think that having a loving and intimate relationship would be possible for him because of his condition.

However, he has come to realize that phimosis is not as rare as he once thought. Many of his friends, including his girlfriend's ex, also have this condition. What used to be a source of shame and isolation for him has now become something he can openly talk about with others.

Dylan recalls how he used to spend hours searching the internet for answers when he was a teenager and feeling like a historical anomaly because of his condition. But now, with Pippa by his side, sex feels like a normal and enjoyable part of his life.

He admits that there are still challenges, like finding the positions that work best for his condition and having to use a condom during sex. But he's grateful for the progress he and Pippa have made in their sex life and the understanding and acceptance she has shown him.

As they cuddle after having sex on Monday night, Dylan reflects on all the painful memories he has of sex before Pippa. He remembers the times when he had to stop in the middle of intercourse because of the pain, or when he was too afraid to speak up and say something. He also recalls the times when he avoided pursuing love because of his shame and insecurities about his body.

But now, lying in bed with Pippa, Dylan considers himself lucky to have someone who loves and accepts him for who he is. He also takes a moment to educate readers about phimosis, explaining that it is a condition that can affect both babies and adults. He shares some of the symptoms and treatment options for those who may be experiencing similar issues.

In the end, Dylan wants to spread awareness and understanding about phimosis and encourage others to speak up and seek help if they are dealing with it. He also wants to thank Pippa for being his loving and supportive partner throughout their journey together.

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