I witnessed an immigration raid at a nail salon.

The operation caused a terrifying reaction among everyone.

July 23rd 2024.

I witnessed an immigration raid at a nail salon.
When I heard that Yvette Cooper, the new Home Secretary, was planning to crack down on businesses that hire illegal workers in the UK, it brought back a vivid memory for me. As a human rights lawyer at Leigh Day Solicitors, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it all week.

A few years ago, I used to go to a hair salon in Streatham, South London to get my hair braided. The salon was run by a wonderful woman of African heritage who also rented out parts of the shop to other businesses like nail extensions, eyelashes, and eyebrow threading. It was a lively and sometimes chaotic place, but it was also a safe haven for me. That is, until the day immigration enforcement showed up.

Five officers in black uniforms burst into the shop, causing everyone to freeze in fear. It was a terrifying moment, as if we were being robbed at gunpoint. The Home Secretary is mistaken to think that the country wants a return to the Hostile Environment or Compliant Environment policies. These officers went straight for the nail technician, who was of Vietnamese heritage. She showed them her Biometric Residence Card and they confirmed that she was in the UK legally.

Then they turned to the eyebrow threader, who was nervously looking at me for reassurance. She had come to the UK from India on a family visa, but was waiting for an answer on her application for further leave. I offered to help, but she already had a lawyer. Luckily, she also had her Biometric Residence Card with her. The owner of the salon said that this was the third time immigration enforcement had shown up and she was tired of it. The officers even asked one of the British citizens working at the salon to prove their status.

It was a frustrating and upsetting experience to witness. As a lawyer, I couldn't help but question the necessity of this operation. Thankfully, the officers left without detaining anyone, but the damage was already done. The only white staff member, who was doing eyelashes at the time, was visibly shaken. She shared that she was unsure of her immigration status, as her father had told her he had taken care of it, but she was worried. She was the only person not questioned, which was not lost on any of us.

What do I think of the plans for immigration raids? I think they will only cause harm and target innocent people. This salon eventually closed down, and I wonder if it was because of incidents like this. The Home Secretary's new operation will only result in the victimization of Black and brown communities across the UK. The National Audit Office's report from June 2020 showed that the Home Office could not provide evidence that their previous policies were effective. So, why are we repeating the same mistakes?

I understand that there are issues with trafficking and modern slavery in some industries, but this operation will not address those issues. Instead, it will likely harm innocent people who are just trying to make a living. As a human rights lawyer, I have seen firsthand the struggles of those who have been trafficked and forced into sex work. I have also seen the fear and uncertainty of those who are working in places like nail shops and car washes. These are not criminals, they are people who are trying to survive and support themselves.

The Home Secretary may believe that the majority of people in the UK want a tough stance on immigration, but I believe they want a compassionate and well-managed asylum system. The policies of the Hostile Environment and Compliant Environment, implemented by previous governments, have only caused harm and discrimination towards Black and brown communities. The Windrush Scandal is a prime example of this, where thousands of people who were legally in the country were affected by the Hostile Environment Policy.

I don't want anyone else to have to experience the fear and indignity that I witnessed at the hair salon. These immigration raids will not solve the issue of illegal migration, but they will cause harm and fear within our communities. It's time for a more compassionate and effective approach, one that doesn't target innocent people and tear families apart. Let's learn from past mistakes and create a better future for everyone.

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