I was mistaken thinking my job prevented me from having a dog.

I couldn't have a dog because we were hardly ever home during the day.

October 19th 2024.

I was mistaken thinking my job prevented me from having a dog.
It's strange to look back and remember a time when I wasn't a big fan of dogs. But walking into the Guide Dog school and seeing our golden Labrador, Alissa, changed everything. She was lying on her back, paws in the air, peacefully asleep after a long day of training. As soon as she saw us, her tail started wagging frantically and she bounded over to greet us. My heart swelled with warmth and love for this furry creature.

I can never tire of that kind of welcome, and I feel lucky that my partner and I decided to become fosterers for guide dogs in training. Even though we knew that one day Alissa would leave us, the short time we had with her filled our home with so much joy and companionship.

It's funny to think that there was a time when I was afraid of dogs. Growing up, I had always been a cat person and had never been around dogs. I didn't know how to act around them and was intimidated by their size and energy. But then I met Adam, who had always been a dog lover. His father, who is visually impaired, always had a working guide dog by his side, as well as a retired one. Dogs were Adam's best friends growing up, providing him with love, loyalty, and countless cherished memories.

Listening to Adam's stories about his childhood pooches, I realized that my fear of dogs was irrational. I wanted to overcome it, especially when I saw how much Adam missed having a dog in his life. However, with both of us working full-time jobs, we didn't think it was possible to have a dog of our own.

But then, in late 2020, I discovered that Guide Dogs were looking for volunteer fosterers in our area. The responsibilities included providing a temporary home for the dogs during their advanced training, taking them to and from the training center on weekdays, and creating a relaxed environment for them after their busy days. We also had the opportunity to take them on fun outings and activities on weekends when they were home full-time. It was the perfect way for us to have a dog in our lives without the full-time commitment of ownership. Plus, Guide Dogs provided us with support and training techniques to ensure the dogs' welfare.

We received our first foster dog, Dawson, in March 2021. He was a golden Labrador/Retriever mix, and although he was a bit unsettled at first, he quickly adapted to our home. Dawson was so well-behaved and house-trained that we were worried we might teach him bad habits! His love for cuddles won me over, and I couldn't imagine coming home without him by my side.

Dawson quickly became friends with Adam's dad's working guide dog, Fabian, and we spent many long walks in the woods with them, playing and chasing each other. We even took them on a holiday together! We saw Dawson grow and mature during his time with us, and it was bittersweet when it was time for him to move on to his next stage of training.

Saying goodbye to the dogs we foster is always tough, but we find comfort in knowing that they are going on to do good for someone else. We're grateful to have played a small part in their journey and the positive impact they will have. It's a rewarding experience, and we look forward to fostering more dogs in the future.

We've had the pleasure of fostering eight dogs so far, and each one has been unique and special in their own way. Alissa, like Dawson, was a gentle and calm dog with a sweet temperament. She loved watching animals on TV and would stop whatever she was doing to watch them intently. It's never easy to say goodbye, but the memories we create with these dogs will last a lifetime.

My partner and I hope to have a family one day, but for now, fostering and training guide dogs is a fulfilling experience. We've never felt like something was missing in our lives, but having these dogs around brings new experiences and challenges that we wouldn't have otherwise. We plan to continue fostering for as long as we can, and if the opportunity arises, we would love to raise a puppy for Guide Dogs.

Yes, saying goodbye is tough, but the memories and the impact these dogs have on our lives are worth it. Do you have a story to share about fostering or owning a dog? We'd love to hear it! Reach out to us at jess.email and share your views in the comments below.

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