I want to end my marriage because of my husband's wedding day prank.

The entire room erupted in laughter, with my husband being the loudest.

July 7th 2024.

I want to end my marriage because of my husband's wedding day prank.
It's become quite a trend at weddings to playfully smash a cake in the bride's face, but is it really a good idea? I mean, it's definitely funny, right? Ruining her perfectly done make-up and possibly staining her expensive dress, all for a good laugh. But let's take a moment to think about how much effort and money went into making that cake and the bride's appearance. And let's not forget that she specifically asked her partner not to pull any pranks on their special day.

Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened to Maya, an unlucky bride who had the misfortune of having her face shoved into her wedding cake by her husband, just hours after saying "I do". As Maya shared on Reddit, she had repeatedly reminded her partner Jake, of their agreement to not play any pranks on their wedding day. But Jake, who had been watching prank videos online, had other ideas. He even went as far as booking the photographer and the cake himself, against Maya's wishes.

Despite her warning that she would immediately end the relationship if he pulled a prank, everything seemed to be going smoothly until it was time to cut the cake. As the whole room watched, Maya made the first cut, with the photographer capturing the moment. Suddenly, Jake pushed her face first into the cake, ruining her make-up and dress. To add insult to injury, he got the photographer to take pictures and declared it their official wedding photo.

Feeling humiliated and hurt by Jake's behavior, Maya ran to the bathroom and eventually left the venue altogether. Even though Jake apologized, she couldn't bring herself to forgive him and went home with his brother Frank, who had witnessed the whole incident. As she explained, the festivities were cut short and she was too angry to even look at her husband.

This wasn't the first time that Jake had displayed such behavior. His brother Frank revealed that he had a habit of throwing cake on his face and breaking his birthday presents. So, just 48 hours after their wedding, Maya decided to file for a divorce, stating that she couldn't trust her husband as he had lied to her and disregarded her wishes.

Despite receiving backlash from both their families for her decision, Maya stood her ground. She couldn't continue a relationship with someone who didn't respect her feelings and constantly betrayed her trust. And to make matters worse, she found out that Jake's behavior was a pattern, as it had also happened at previous birthdays.

Maya even considered getting an annulment, but that would only be possible if the marriage had not been consummated. Many people in the comments sympathized with her and condemned Jake's actions, stating that pranks are only funny if everyone finds them amusing. In fact, many wedding professionals consider cake smashing to be a red flag and a bad omen for the future of the relationship.

Despite its roots in ancient tradition, cake smashing has become a popular wedding staple, but perhaps it's time to reconsider this tradition. As they say, better safe than sorry.

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