I thought I found my perfect match, but our honeymoon changed my mind.

He reassured me that it wouldn't happen again and I trusted him.

June 21st 2024.

I thought I found my perfect match, but our honeymoon changed my mind.
Priscilla and Ainie have bravely shared their harrowing experiences in a book titled Safe. As I laid on the bed, tears streaming down my face, my attacker's furious voice filled the room. He yelled at me to stop crying and hit me on the back, causing the room to spin. Desperate for the abuse to end, I buried my head in my pillow. It was the third night of my honeymoon in Florida, but instead of the blissful newlywed experience I had hoped for, I was terrified of my new husband.

I first met my husband while he was working as a bartender at my local pub in Ireland. We had a flirty banter and soon started meeting up for drinks. I was smitten by his charming demeanor and gentlemanly ways. He got along well with my parents and I thought I had found my dream man. So when he proposed in December 1993, I said yes without hesitation.

Our honeymoon started off well, but on the third night, I decided to head back to our room while he stayed at the hotel bar. Little did I know, this would trigger an explosive outburst from him. He stormed into our room, yelling at me for leaving him. I tried to reason with him, but things only got worse. He pushed, hit, and kicked me, leaving me in a state of shock.

Despite the abuse, I believed his apologies and promises that it would never happen again. But as time went on, the abuse only got worse. He slowly took control of my finances and I was left with only a small allowance from my own wages. Even when I was pregnant, he showed little interest and our arguments became more frequent.

I vividly remember one day when I asked him for extra money to buy things for our baby. He exploded, yelling at me for always wanting something and threw a vase at my stomach. Terrified for my unborn child, I left and ended up going into labor due to the stress and impact of the vase. Our daughter Ainie was born and I was overjoyed, but my husband's jealousy towards her was evident.

As time went on, the abuse continued and I even lost most of my hair from the stress. But I was too ashamed to tell anyone about the abuse, thinking it was my fault. One day, he beat me so badly that I had to seek medical treatment. The doctor urged me to go to the police, but my father suddenly passed away and I was consumed with grief. I returned to my husband, hoping things would change.

But when I discovered he was having multiple affairs and working as a pimp, I knew I had to leave. With the help of my mother, I took Ainie and left in the middle of the night. We moved in with my mother and I got a court order for five years to keep him away from us. It was a difficult time, but together we rebuilt our lives.

I cleared my debts and started two successful businesses, while Ainie grew into a successful and kind young woman. She hasn't seen her father since she was 13, but it hasn't made her bitter. In fact, she has become an advocate for Children of DV in the US. Together, we run an organization called "Stop Domestic Violence in Ireland" to help other women escape abusive situations. We offer counseling, legal advice, and emergency supplies to those in need.

Our experiences have led us to write a book called Safe, with all proceeds going towards helping more victims. Our mission is to raise awareness and support those who are going through what we went through. We understand the pain and we are here to help. If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, please reach out for help. You are not alone.

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