I started college and quickly learned I wouldn't receive the assistance I required.

In my first year, I spent more time serving drinks than attending lectures or seminars.

July 1st 2024.

I started college and quickly learned I wouldn't receive the assistance I required.
Niall was grateful to be in a privileged position as an estranged student, knowing that many others in his situation were not as lucky. As he stood in the car park of his university, a stranger handed him 350 quid for his old, worn-down Renault Clio. It may not have been the best car, but it had been his only means of transportation. Niall was sad to see it go, but he needed the money more than the car. He was an estranged student, one of roughly 10,000 in the country, and his circumstances were far from ideal.

Starting university as an estranged student had been a difficult and awkward experience for Niall. While his peers were focused on socializing and making the most of their university experience, Niall's main priority was finding work to support himself financially. He had given up his car upon arrival as proof of his estrangement in order to receive the maximum loan from Student Finance England. However, even with this loan, it wasn't enough to cover all of his expenses. Unlike many of his peers, Niall didn't have the "bank of mum and dad" to rely on.

Niall's financial situation caused him constant anxiety, which was not uncommon for estranged students. He had to be careful with his spending and couldn't afford to attend expensive events like balls or college formals. This made him feel isolated and different from his peers. Despite working long hours as a bartender to support himself, Niall's grades suffered. He often had to work late into the night, making it difficult to attend lectures and seminars. This, combined with the added mental health strain, made it challenging for him to do well in his degree.

But it wasn't just the financial strain that affected Niall. Seeing his peers enjoying the university experience and engaging more with their studies only added to his feelings of isolation. One night, while working a long shift, a student from his course jeered at him for being tired. This student, who had no idea that Niall was also studying law, assumed that a mere bartender couldn't possibly work as hard as he did. This only served to make Niall feel even more inadequate and isolated.

As the winter break approached, Niall's feelings of isolation reached a peak. While his peers were heading home to their families for Christmas, Niall had nowhere to go. He had been prescribed antidepressants, but they did little to ease the loneliness and sadness he felt. After his shifts, he would walk home, feeling a lump in his throat, and collapse into bed. It was a difficult and lonely time for Niall, but he persevered, determined to make the most of his university experience despite the challenges he faced.
Niall stood in the car park of his university, feeling lucky yet also a bit sad. A stranger had just handed him 350 pounds for his old Renault Clio, which may not have been in the best condition but had been his trusty ride for a while. But now, as an estranged student, he no longer needed it to drive back home. Instead, he needed the money to cover his living expenses and tuition fees.

Being an estranged student meant that Niall had little or no contact with his parents while pursuing higher education. He was one of the approximately 10,000 students in this situation. Starting university from this position was awkward, as most of his peers were focused on socializing and having fun, while Niall's main concern was finding work to support himself.

In the first few weeks of university, Niall had to come up with a deposit for his next year's housing and pay for a guarantor scheme on top of his rent, food, and textbooks. Unlike many of his peers whose parents could financially support them, Niall had to rely on the maximum loan he could get and even then, it wasn't enough. He had to go through a lengthy process of submitting evidence to Student Finance England, including proof that he had sold his car upon arriving at university.

But it wasn't just covering living costs that worried Niall. Without the safety net of being able to return home if needed, he had to create a financial safety net for himself. This meant working as much as possible and spending as little as possible. He couldn't afford to attend expensive events or buy fancy gowns, which made him feel isolated from his peers.

Niall's financial anxiety was a constant companion, as it is for 84% of estranged students. So, he got a job as a bartender, working evening and weekend shifts. This took a toll on his academic performance, as he often had to work late at night and then attend lectures and seminars the next day. Despite his hard work to be the first in his family to go to university, Niall felt deflated when he didn't do as well as he had hoped, especially compared to the average student.

But financial strain wasn't Niall's only problem. Seeing his peers enjoying the university experience and being able to engage more with their studies made him feel even more isolated. He often had to sit out on social events to save money, while others were able to make the most of their time at university. This feeling of isolation reached its peak during the winter break, when most students were heading home for Christmas. Niall, on the other hand, had nowhere to go and spent the holidays alone, feeling the full weight of his loneliness.

Despite the challenges he faced, Niall was determined to succeed. He worked hard to support himself and not let his financial situation hinder his academic achievements. But it was a difficult journey, both mentally and emotionally. There were moments when Niall felt like he wasn't good enough, like when a fellow student boasted about how hard he was working on his law degree, not realizing that Niall was on the same course and had to work even harder to make ends meet.

As Niall walked home after a long shift at the bar, he couldn't help but feel a lump in his throat and a sense of sadness and loneliness. But he knew he had to keep going and stay strong, despite the challenges he faced as an estranged student.

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