I spend £395/month to reside in a subterranean shelter for the end of the world.

She's saving money by living in this unique arrangement.

May 25th 2024.

I spend £395/month to reside in a subterranean shelter for the end of the world.
Caitlin Johnson, a 42-year-old woman from Southern California, has made the unconventional decision to live in an underground bunker for a year. She shares her unique living situation with a sense of pride, giving people a glimpse into her new home.

Moving into the doomsday shelter in her friend's back garden about a month ago, Caitlin plans to stay in the one-bedroom space for a full year. Her reason for doing so? To save money for her own house. This decision may seem extreme to some, but Caitlin sees it as a practical solution. She pays her friend £395 a month in rent, but utilities are free thanks to the bunker's solar power and well water system.

Originally built in 2012, the bunker spans over 1,100 square feet and has 18 extra bunks in case of an emergency. Caitlin has been documenting her experience on TikTok, where some people have expressed concern or even fear for her well-being. However, Caitlin is quick to point out the benefits of living underground. Not only is it a safe and affordable option, but she also enjoys a better quality of sleep without the noise of the city.

While some may worry about the lack of natural light or the possibility of getting stuck in the bunker, Caitlin has found solutions for these concerns. She has invested in a daytime lamp that mimics the sunrise and sunset, ensuring she wakes up feeling refreshed. And as for getting stuck, Caitlin and her friend have a system in place to open the heavy hatch in case of an emergency.

When asked about her motivation for living in the bunker, Caitlin compares it to the challenges faced by participants on reality shows like Naked and Afraid. To her, this is just another adventure, and she's excited to see what she's capable of in a year's time.

As for the potential risks of living underground, Caitlin is not too concerned. She trusts her friend and they check up on each other regularly. And if something were to happen, she knows there is a backup plan in place. Ultimately, Caitlin sees her time in the bunker as an opportunity to challenge herself and prove that she can do it.

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