I self-pleasure to alleviate my chronic condition's discomfort.

It took me a long time to confidently reach this conclusion, no joking.

February 23rd 2024.

I self-pleasure to alleviate my chronic condition's discomfort.
Growing up in a conservative Indian family, sex was always a taboo topic. It was looked upon with shame and rarely spoken about openly. So when I discovered the pleasurable act of self-pleasure, I kept it a secret. It wasn't until years later, lying in bed on a rainy afternoon, that I truly embraced it without shame.

As I ran my fingers across my body, feeling the pleasure mount, I couldn't help but moan as my orgasm built. And as I reached for an ice pack to soothe my aching hand, I couldn't stop smiling. Not only because of the release I just experienced, but also because my whole body felt more relaxed and the stress of the day was now a distant memory.

This was just one of the many times I had used self-pleasure as a way to relieve pain. It wasn't until many years later that I realized this was a healthy habit I had been embracing. Growing up, talks about sexual health were rarely discussed, especially in my family with its strict religious beliefs. But for me, self-pleasure was a way to feel comfortable in my own skin.

But it wasn't until a twist of fate, quite literally, that I truly understood the benefits of self-pleasure. One rainy day in June 2016, I twisted my ankle while getting off a crowded bus. What started as a sore ankle quickly turned into unbearable pain, and a long journey of multiple hospital visits.

After being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, I was scared. The only experience I had with the disease was watching my grandmother suffer from it for years. But as I learned more about it, I realized that it was a chronic disease that affects millions of people, causing pain and stiffness in the joints.

As I was given strong doses of medication to manage the pain, I realized that I couldn't use my fingers or hold a showerhead to masturbate anymore. This may seem like a small issue, but for me, it was about more than just feeling pleasure. It was a way for me to feel comfortable in my own skin and something I truly enjoyed.

Desperate for answers, I turned to Google but found no advice on masturbating with arthritis. I tried pushing through the pain, but it only made things worse. That's when I decided to take matters into my own hands, quite literally. I started recording the time, positions, and environment that felt most comfortable for me. And slowly, I learned to adapt and still enjoy the act of self-pleasure.

I discovered that keeping a pillow under my leg took away the pressure on my knees, and pausing during the act helped my muscles relax, making my orgasms more intense. I even considered using sex toys, but living at home, it was a risk I wasn't ready to take.

Masturbation may not be the first thing that comes to mind when we think of self-care, but for people like myself who may not have the energy for other activities, it can be a great alternative. And it's not just about pleasure, as studies have shown that it can also boost the immune system, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.

It's been seven years since my diagnosis, and I can confidently say that self-pleasure has been a crucial part of my self-care routine. I share my story in the hopes that others like me who may be struggling with arthritis and self-pleasure will know that they are not alone. Disabled bodies can feel pleasure, and it's essential to take care of ourselves in a way that makes us feel loved and comfortable.

So, if you're newly diagnosed with arthritis and struggling with self-pleasure, know that it gets better. With patience and experimentation, you'll find the sweet spot that brings you comfort and pleasure. I didn't have anyone to turn to for advice, but hopefully, my story will help others who may be going through a similar experience. Masturbation may not be a widely talked about topic, but it's just as valid a form of self-care as any other. And for disabled individuals, it can be even more beneficial. So let's continue to break the stigma and have open conversations about our sexual health.

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