"I reside in a 'murder house' and here's the true experience."

A scary dream my son had revealed a shocking truth about our home.

August 19th 2024.

Mike Covell sat outside his home on Severn Street in Hull, enjoying the afternoon sun. It was a peaceful day, with no signs of anything out of the ordinary. As a writer and history expert, he often found himself lost in thought, contemplating the stories and secrets that lay hidden within the walls of his beloved city.

Suddenly, his young daughter Alyssa appeared before him, her innocent face scrunched up in confusion. "Where's the old lady who sings to me?" she asked. Mike's blood ran cold, for he knew there was no elderly woman in their house on Severn Street. It was just him, his wife, and their two young children.

They had moved to Severn Street in 2007, wanting to be closer to Mike's parents who still lived in the area. However, their dream home quickly turned into a nightmare when strange occurrences began happening. One morning, their son Bradley woke up and claimed to have seen a man standing at his bedroom door. A few nights later, he woke up screaming, claiming there was someone behind him. And their daughter, Alyssa, was convinced there was an old lady who sang to her in the house.

Mike couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. As a self-proclaimed history buff, he decided to do some research on his house. Could there be a dark history behind their new home? Could it be haunted?

He discovered that in 1945, a former owner of their house, Emily Garbutt, had been brutally murdered by her lodger, Fred Watson. The details of the murder were chilling, and Mike couldn't believe it had happened in the very room he was sitting in. Watson had been found guilty and sent to a psychiatric hospital, where he ultimately took his own life.

Mike was shaken by his findings and rushed home to tell his wife about the dark history of their new home. She was equally shocked and brought up the question of what had happened to Emily's husband. Mike delved deeper into his research and discovered that Emily's husband, Ernest, had mysteriously disappeared in 1929 and was later found dead in the Humber river.

Feeling unsettled and wanting to rid their home of any negative energy, Mike reached out to his local church for an exorcism. Father Phil Lamb was sent to perform the task, much to Mike's surprise. He had expected a traditional, somber priest, but instead was met with a quirky man in Adidas trainers and a leather jacket.

The exorcism was not like the ones depicted in movies, but it brought some peace of mind to Mike and his family. They were able to live in their home without any further disturbances. However, the knowledge of the tragic events that had taken place in their house would always linger in their minds.

Mike's fascination with history had brought him more than he had bargained for, but it also gave him a deeper appreciation for the stories and secrets that lay hidden within the walls of his beloved city.
It was a typical evening at Mike Covell's home on Severn Street in Hull when his young daughter asked about the old lady who sings to her. This question sent shivers down Mike's spine, as there was no elderly woman living in their house. It was just Mike, his wife, and their two young children. The family had moved to Severn Street in 2007, wanting to be closer to Mike's parents who still lived there.

A few strange incidents had occurred in their new home, starting with Mike's son waking up to a man with a piece of wood in his hand standing at his door. Then, a few nights later, he woke up screaming and claimed that someone was behind him. When Mike went to comfort him, his son whispered that the mysterious figure was still there. Meanwhile, their daughter insisted that there was an old lady who would sing to her in the house.

Severn Street was a quiet residential area in the east of Hull, surrounded by 20th-century terraced houses. Mike, a self-proclaimed history buff, decided to do some research on his house after his children's strange experiences. He wondered if there was a reason behind their encounters with ghosts. Could the house be haunted?

His investigation led him to old newspaper coverage of a murder that had taken place in his home. In 1945, a former owner of the house, Emily Garbutt, had been brutally killed by her lodger, Fred Watson. Mike was shocked by this discovery and rushed to the city's archives to learn more.

As he read through the articles, he found out that Emily was sitting in the same room where Mike was currently speaking from when Watson came home from work and attacked her with an axe. He then attempted to take his own life but was stopped by the police who had been called by the neighbors. Watson was arrested and found guilty of murder, but due to his insanity, he was sent to a psychiatric hospital where he eventually took his own life.

Mike was horrified by this dark history of his home and quickly printed out the articles to show his wife. She was equally shocked and asked about Emily's husband. Mike went back to the archives and discovered that Emily's husband, Ernest, had disappeared in 1929 and his body was later found in the Humber. His death was deemed suspicious, and there was never a clear explanation for it.

The Covell family was now connected to Emily's murder, Ernest's mysterious death, and Watson's suicide. This realization left them shaken, and they reached out to their local church for help. A priest from the Diocese of York, Father Phil Lamb, was sent to perform an exorcism.

Mike had always believed in the paranormal, but he had never experienced something like this before. He described Father Lamb as a quirky guy who looked more like Paul Weller from The Jam than a traditional priest. The exorcism was nothing like what he had seen in movies, with extravagant black robes and a crucifix. Instead, Father Lamb showed up in Adidas trainers, jeans, and a leather jacket.

Although the exorcism did not completely rid their home of its dark past, the Covell family felt a sense of peace and closure. They were grateful for Father Lamb's help and hoped to continue living in their home without any further ghostly encounters.

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