I moved into my dream home, only to find it was haunted by a ghost who thought I was their descendant and wanted to kill me.

The situation quickly deteriorated and the dream turned into a nightmare.

July 28th 2023.

I moved into my dream home, only to find it was haunted by a ghost who thought I was their descendant and wanted to kill me.
Chris O'Toole and her family thought they had found the perfect home. Little did they know, the house would be haunted by the ghost of its former slave owner. When they moved in, they found Bibles and crosses scattered around the house and a locked room that the previous owner had refused to open.

Unable to resist the urge to explore the mysterious room, Chris cut open the padlock and witnessed her first paranormal experience. She saw wet footprints on the floor, which she initially assumed were from her son Granger, though he had been forbidden to go near the pond outside their house.

Chris attempted to make the house their own by removing the crosses from the walls, but this backfired as now more strange happenings began to occur. She heard knocks at night and saw a mysterious force lift her son's hand into the air while he was asleep. Then, she saw the ghost of Abernathy in the reflection of a cabinet.

Things got worse and worse, with Chris feeling a presence on her shoulders and hearing footsteps in the house even when she was alone. One night, she saw the ghost of Abernathy peering around the back of her house when she drove home from work.

Researching the property further, Chris discovered that Abernathy was not only a slave owner, but a murderer and rapist too, and many of the slaves he owned died from ‘accidental drownings’. She also realised that he thought she, as a biracial woman, was one of his children that he tried to drown after he raped enslaved women he owned.

Eventually, Chris and Vicky sought the help of a medium, but things actually got worse and one night, the ghost of Abernathy threatened to kill Granger, surrounding him with knives that there was no explanation for.

Having had enough, Chris and Vicky decided to leave the home, but not before trying to reveal who Abernathy really was and give the spirits a chance to be heard. They eventually managed to do this, and after the medium's help, Chris and Vicky were finally able to move away. However, Chris still hears Abernathy's voice, proving that he is still with her.

Although Chris and her family were forced to leave their dream home, they have used their experience to help others in the same position. Through this, they have been able to find peace and justice for the spirits of those who were wronged in the past.

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