I'm attending a wedding where I'll be unable to talk to anyone.

I'm worried about spending the whole time in silence or feeling out of place during the meal.

September 15th 2024.

I'm attending a wedding where I'll be unable to talk to anyone.
Dear Lucy,

It's so exciting that you've been invited to your friend's wedding in Brazil. I can imagine how special it must be for you, considering the distance between you and your friend. Your bond must be truly strong for her to want you there on her big day.

I understand that you might be feeling a bit anxious about attending the wedding solo and not being able to speak the language. But trust me, you don't want to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Plus, attending a wedding without a plus-one can actually be a great experience. It allows you to be more open to meeting new people and fully immersing yourself in the event.

I'm sure your friend will introduce you to other guests and make sure you feel included. Brazilian weddings are known for their lively and inclusive atmosphere, so I have no doubt that you'll have a great time.

I know it can be daunting to attend a wedding where you don't speak the language, but weddings are all about love and happiness, and those emotions are universal. Plus, learning a few basic phrases like "hello" and "thank you" will go a long way in connecting with people. My husband's family speaks a different language, but we have managed to create bonds and friendships by learning small words and phrases.

If you're worried about feeling out of place during the meal, don't be afraid to ask your friend about any specific customs or things you should know beforehand. And don't be afraid to ask questions while you're there. People will appreciate your interest and be happy to explain.

I have traveled solo to countries where English is not widely spoken, and it has always been a rewarding experience. It teaches you to be adaptable and embrace new things. And who knows, you might even plan an extended holiday while you're in Brazil.

Weddings are all about celebrating love and friendship, and your presence at your friend's wedding will mean a lot to her. I have no doubt that she will be touched by your effort to be there for her special day. So don't hesitate to go, even if it's outside your comfort zone. These are the moments that create lasting memories.

I wish you all the best for your trip to Brazil – I'm incredibly jealous! And if you do find yourself sitting in silence, just remember that there are translation apps that can help. Enjoy the warmth of Brazilian hospitality and make the most out of this exciting adventure.

Best wishes,

Do you have a story you'd like to share? Feel free to reach out to me by emailing jess.email. I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

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