I kept the bullying a secret from my mother for 2 years, until a video began to spread.

Wearing thick glasses made me vulnerable.

February 20th 2024.

I kept the bullying a secret from my mother for 2 years, until a video began to spread.
Ever since Alfie came into my life, things have changed forever. It all started when I clicked on a video and felt sick to my stomach. The video showed me being bullied by another student at my school. They were pulling my hair, following me as I tried to walk away, and then punching me in the face. It was a terrifying experience, but watching it again on social media made it even worse. I couldn't imagine how I could go back to school knowing that everyone had seen it. I didn't even want to leave the house.

That's when my best buddy, Alfie, came into my life and changed everything. I was born with various vision impairments, which made it difficult for me to see clearly. But when I went to secondary school, my thick-lensed glasses made me a target for bullies. The verbal taunts soon turned into physical bullying, and I was constantly pushed around and even pushed down the stairs. I reported it to the teachers, but I was too scared to tell my mom.

Living in constant fear and being bullied every day left me feeling worthless and even suicidal at times. When my mom found out, she was heartbroken. And just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I was attacked in the playground at 14 years old. My mom immediately took me home, and I wrote a letter to the school detailing my experience. It was then that my mom found out I had been bullied for two years.

In an attempt to make me feel safe, my mom set up meetings with the school and promised that a teacher would meet me at the gate every morning. But these promises were not properly enforced, and I still felt unsafe. In June 2022, my mom decided to start homeschooling me because she could see the impact it was having on my mental health. It was a struggle at first, but with the help of a personal trainer, I started to regain my confidence.

But it wasn't until October that things truly changed when I met Alfie. My consultant had put me in touch with the charity Guide Dogs, and I found out about their buddy dogs service. After meeting several dogs, I instantly connected with Alfie. Playing with him made me forget all the bad things that had happened to me. Since then, Alfie has been my constant companion and has helped me in every way possible. He gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning, and I feel more confident thanks to our daily walks.

With Alfie by my side, I am now enjoying life again. I am back at college, doing my GCSEs, and I am in a more mature setting with the support I need. I have made new friends, and I have a routine again. Sadly, my experience is not rare. Research shows that many adults living with sight loss were bullied as children, and I believe changes need to be made in schools to support others with vision impairments.

My message to anyone who is being bullied is to speak out and not hide it from your loved ones. I wish I had told someone sooner because as soon as I did, my life changed for the better. And now, I know I have a future thanks to Alfie. He has been my rock, and I know I need to be there for him just as he is always there for me.

It has been a tough journey, but with Alfie by my side, I feel like I can do anything. I hope sharing my story will inspire others to speak out and seek help if they are suffering. Remember, you are not alone, and there is always hope for a brighter future.

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