I gave up on Zelda Tears because it was too massive to finish.

Reader frustrated with size of Zelda: Too big to play while working & taking care of family.

June 25th 2023.

I gave up on Zelda Tears because it was too massive to finish.
Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom has been out for over a month now and players have been enjoying it immensely. However, for one reader, Goldman, the game seems to be too big. As a working father, Goldman only has a couple of hours a day to play the game, and yet the game doesn't seem to be accommodating for those with limited time.

In Goldman's experience, he has managed to complete three dungeons and unlock their sages, but he has been unable to explore the Depths or the Sky Islands, which he thought were going to be the main focus of the game. He feels like he probably could have beaten the game if he had just stuck with the story missions, but that would have missed the point of the game.

Goldman enjoyed Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, but felt it was too big and could have been more condensed and streamlined. However, with Tears Of The Kingdom, he has given up entirely. He is getting sidetracked by a hundred other things and can't remember what he was meant to be doing. He believes that if he were a teenager with all the free time in the world, he would feel differently, but with limited time he finds it hard to progress in the game.

The issue seems to have started when publishers realised that single-player games were still a draw, but were worried that people wouldn't pay full price for them unless they offered plenty of value for money. This has resulted in games having no respect for the player's time and being unnecessarily bloated.

Tears Of The Kingdom takes the map of Breath Of The Wild and makes it twice as big, which proves to be too much for Goldman. He believes that he would only be able to appreciate the game if he took a week off work to play it, something he initially laughed and rolled his eyes at but now understands why. His biggest fear now is that Final Fantasy will have the same problem and he won't have the time to appreciate it.

For now, Goldman has given up on Tears Of The Kingdom and is playing Final Fantasy 16 instead. Whether he will return to the game when he's finished, he does not know. One thing he does know is that video games have finally priced him out, not because he can't afford the money, but because he can't afford the time.

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