I felt embarrassed about what I discovered in my underwear, but that changed when I discovered the truth.

The speaker thought they were dirty or had a problem with their genitals.

September 7th 2024.

I felt embarrassed about what I discovered in my underwear, but that changed when I discovered the truth.
As I stood there, face to face with my date, we were both at a loss for words. I could feel my heart racing and my mind racing even faster. What should I say? I couldn't help but feel a sense of panic wash over me. My date held up a pair of my underwear, and I couldn't help but cringe at the sight. "Oh gross, what's that?" he exclaimed.

I turned to see him haphazardly cleaning his room, and there he was, holding up a plain black pair of briefs from M&S - my underwear. To be honest, there was nothing particularly exciting about them, just a simple pair of black briefs. But there was something on them that caught his attention and caused him to recoil in disgust. A bleached stain where my vulva sat, created by my vagina. I felt my face flush with embarrassment and shame.

My date threw the underwear across the room and wiped his hand on his side, giving me a disgusted look. We stood there, staring at each other in silence. I was at a loss for words, wondering what I could possibly say to make this situation any less embarrassing. "It's nothing, I don't know," I finally managed to stammer out.

I quickly grabbed my underwear and left the house, feeling humiliated and disgusted. Needless to say, that relationship didn't last long - and neither did my patience with men.

For years, I had believed that something was wrong with me because my vagina bleached my underwear. Growing up in a household where we never talked about bodies, puberty, or sex education, I didn't know what it meant. My vagina felt like an unknown entity, with powers that I should never question or understand.

This all started during puberty, when my body started to change. I grew hair all over my body, my nose seemed to grow out of my face, and I had a "underwear-bleaching vagina" - I felt disgusting. I was convinced that it was my fault, that I didn't know how to properly clean myself. It wasn't until years later that I learned the truth - there was nothing wrong with my vagina or my underwear.

Growing up in a time where Victorian family values were emphasized and sex education was ignored, I never had anyone to talk to about my vagina. The one time we had a "sex education" class in school, we were separated into two rooms - one for boys and one for girls. It was mostly just two hours of giggling and embarrassment.

As the years went by and the internet became more prevalent, I taught myself a lot about my body. I learned how to use a tampon, what STIs were, and eventually, I was diagnosed with endometriosis. But even then, I still felt like I didn't know enough about my own body. It felt like my vagina held some sort of mysterious power that I would never fully understand.

It wasn't until about 10 years ago that I came across an article that explained the phenomenon of bleached underwear. I made sure to read it in private, as I had spent my whole life feeling embarrassed and ashamed about my vagina - as most people do. But the article opened my eyes to the truth. Bleached underwear was not a sign of being unclean or disgusting, it was a sign of a healthy, self-cleaning vagina.

I had to re-read the article a few times to fully understand the science behind it, but it all made sense. My vaginal discharge, which I had always been taught to be embarrassed about, was actually a good thing. It was what bleached my underwear. And having a high acidity in my discharge meant that my vagina was extra clean and healthy.

It was a revelation for me. Why had I been so disgusted by something that was actually a sign of my body doing its job? I realized that our society has been conditioned to feel shame and embarrassment about our vaginas. We are told not to talk about them or ask questions, which only leads to further ignorance and misunderstanding.

But I've come to understand and appreciate the power of my vagina. It is strong, self-cleaning, and powerful - and bleach on my underwear is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it's a reminder of just how amazing our bodies are.

Of course, this has led to a new problem for me - constantly having to buy new underwear! As a lover of sustainable fashion, this can get expensive. But I've learned to embrace it and appreciate the hard work my vagina is doing to keep me healthy and clean.

So, if someone throws your underwear in disgust, don't be afraid to educate them. Let them know that your vagina is a powerful and self-cleaning organ, and that bleach on your underwear is nothing to be ashamed of. And if they can't appreciate that, then they don't deserve to be a part of your life. Our vaginas deserve to be celebrated and appreciated, not hidden away and shamed. So let's start talking about them more and stop feeling ashamed. Our vaginas are amazing, and we should be proud of them.

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