I cried when I saw what was in the freezer.

Last September, my husband and I came back home after taking our son to college.

September 15th 2024.

I cried when I saw what was in the freezer.
According to Julie, it was always a given that her son James would go to university. She remembers the day they dropped him off at his new lodgings, feeling a mix of emotions as they unpacked his belongings and made his room feel like home. It was a bittersweet moment, knowing that he wouldn't be coming back home with them. Julie couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness and questioned her role as a mother now that her son was independent and didn't need her as much.

The departure was surprisingly easy, with everyone exhausted from the long drive and ready for some rest. James settled in quickly and seemed excited for this new adventure in his life. Julie tried to convince herself that she had already grieved for this moment and that she would be fine, but it wasn't until she saw the sausages in the freezer that the emotions truly hit her.

She explains that this feeling is often referred to as Empty Nest Syndrome, where parents experience grief and sadness when their children leave home. Julie had been dreading this moment for months, worrying about her son's safety and how she would cope without him. As a hypnotherapist, she knew she needed to prepare herself for this change. She took on extra work and made plans to visit James, reassuring him that he could always come back home if he wasn't happy at university.

In the days and weeks after James left, Julie noticed how big the house felt without him. She would see other mothers with young children and feel a sense of nostalgia, knowing that those days were over for her. She also realized that she was still buying food for James that he wouldn't be there to eat. She joined online support groups for parents going through the same experience, which helped her cope in the early days.

Julie and James talked often about their feelings and what they wanted their relationship to look like now that he was living independently. She is proud of how much he has grown and adapted to this new stage in his life. When she visits him now, she leaves with a smile on her face, knowing that he is happy and thriving.

James shared some advice for parents of new university students, suggesting that they give their children space to adjust to their new life and not to worry if they don't respond to texts or calls right away. He also reassures parents that their children are thinking of them and look forward to seeing them on Facetime. Julie learned to give James space as he settled in, and it made it easier for her to cope with the empty nest.

Looking back on the past year, Julie sees it as a journey of self-discovery for both her and James. She had to learn how to cope with the empty nest, and James had to learn how to live independently. She wants to reassure other parents going through this experience that it does get easier with time. And as for the sausages, James has moved on to burgers now, so there won't be any more emotional moments in the freezer. Julie hopes that her story can help others going through the same experience and encourages them to share their own stories.

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