Husband's lap dance on stag do has angered me.

I can't bear to see him.

September 4th 2024.

Husband's lap dance on stag do has angered me.
Do you ever feel like the boundaries in your relationship are being imposed by others? Well, you're not alone. Our beloved agony aunt Em Clarkson is here to provide guidance and advice on all your relationship woes. Whether it's appropriate stag do behavior or dealing with untalented friends, Em's got you covered. So sit back, relax, and read on for this week's reader conundrums and Em's wise words.

Let's start with a common scenario - you found out that your husband got a lap dance at a strip club on his friend's stag do. You're furious, but some of your friends think you're overreacting. Well, let me tell you this - it's not for anyone else to tell you how you should feel. You know your own boundaries within your relationship, and it's not for others to define them for you. Sure, your husband may have thought it was all just a harmless joke, but if it doesn't sit well with you, then it's not okay. And to make matters worse, you didn't even hear about it from him, but from a friend. That's definitely not cool. So, it's important for you and your husband to have an honest conversation about this and work through it together.

Now, let's talk about our fabulous agony aunt, Em Clarkson. As an influencer, author, and content creator, she's here to be your go-to gal for all things relationships. With over 300,000 followers on Instagram, Em is known for her honesty and authenticity, making her the perfect person to dish out advice. No topic is off limits, so if you've got a burning question, don't hesitate to reach out.

Speaking of boundaries, let's address the idea that they may differ in every relationship. Just because your friends are okay with their husbands getting lap dances or behaving in certain ways on a stag do, it doesn't mean you have to be okay with it too. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's important to communicate your feelings to your husband and let him know that his actions have hurt you. And don't worry, Em's got your back on this one.

Moving on to a different dilemma - what do you do when your best friend wants to pursue a singing career, but let's face it, they're not very good. Do you tell them to rethink their plans or just grin and bear it? Em's advice - grin and bear it. The music industry is tough, and chances are your friend will learn that lesson on their own. In the meantime, be a supportive friend and cheer them on. Trust me, it'll be worth it in the end.

Finally, let's take a look at some questions from our lovely readers. Em's got some great advice for those struggling with jealousy, control issues, and even a partner's farting problem (yes, you read that right). So, if you've got a question for Em, don't hesitate to send it in. She's here to help and support you through all of life's ups and downs. Good luck!

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