Hotter temperatures and sensational media coverage are being accused by farmers as the reasons behind the rising cost of vegetables.

Farmers in Rourkela say that the recent rise in vegetable prices is due to a heat wave and media attention, not a lack of water supply.

June 24th 2024.

Hotter temperatures and sensational media coverage are being accused by farmers as the reasons behind the rising cost of vegetables.
The farmers of Rourkela have expressed their concerns about the recent increase in vegetable prices, citing two major factors as the cause. According to them, the intense heatwave and a sensationalized media have been the main culprits behind the rise in costs. As I spoke to the vegetable sellers, who are mostly tribals, they lamented the impact of these issues on their livelihood. "Water supply is not a problem for us as we have enough in our wells and water bodies," shared Mahidhar Sahu, a farmer from Khuntagaon, as he sold his long gourds and leafy vegetables at the daily market in Shakti Nagar.

However, the scorching heat in the past few months has resulted in the spoiling of vegetables, causing a major loss for the farmers. This sentiment was echoed by Giridhari Munda, a vegetable seller from Bisra, who sat next to Sahu. "Despite providing water twice a day to my padwal crop, I could only save half of it. The heat was just too much," he shared. On the other hand, Mano Xalxo, an agriculturist and successful farmer from OUAT, had a different perspective. He blamed the media for the increase in prices. "We were selling tomatoes for Rs 40-50 per kilogram, but suddenly the media reported that it had gone up to Rs 70 and will soon reach Rs 100. If they had done proper research, they would have reported the facts accurately," he stated.

Another farmer, who sells his produce at the local market in Rajgangpur, also joined in the criticism of the media. He highlighted that the media only reports about prices in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack, neglecting other regions of Odisha. "Once the media reports high prices in these cities, the locals here also raise their rates, giving the middlemen a chance to make huge profits at the expense of the customers," he explained. Professor Sree Kumar, however, had a different take on the matter. He attributed the price rise to the heatwave, which had caused a shortage of supply due to the loss of crops. "The farmers have suffered a great deal because of the heat, which has led to the skyrocketing prices of vegetables," he stated.

In conclusion, it is evident that the farmers of Rourkela are facing a difficult situation due to the heatwave and the influence of the media on vegetable prices. The lack of accurate reporting and the neglect of smaller regions by the media have only added to their woes. While some blame the media, others point to the heat as the main reason for the increase in prices. With the summer season still going strong, it remains to be seen how the situation will unfold and whether the farmers will be able to cope with the challenges they are facing.

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