Horse bite causes tourist to collapse in London

Despite witnessing the horse biting another person, the woman still ran up to it.

July 22nd 2024.

Horse bite causes tourist to collapse in London
Are you tired of hearing about major historical events? Well, here's a gentle reminder that some things never change. People always seem to have a knack for ignoring warning signs, no matter how big or bold they may be. Take, for example, the plaque outside the Household Cavalry Museum in London, which simply states "Beware, horses may kick or bite." It's placed right next to a massive military horse, ridden by an officer of the King's Guard. You can probably guess where this is going.

Tourists, in particular, have a tendency to disregard this warning and get a little too close for comfort. And on Sunday, one woman took obliviousness to a whole new level. Despite witnessing a member of her group getting nipped by the horse, she immediately sidles up to it and tries to pose for a photo. As you can imagine, things didn't end well.

The woman can be heard screaming as the horse bites her arm, which happens to be adorned in a Pink Floyd t-shirt. Ouch. She then runs back to her group, who try to soothe her and tend to her bite. But it seems like the damage was already done. The woman even kneels down in pain, while one of her companions tries to dab her arm with some unknown substance in hopes of easing the pain. The lesson here? Don't mess with horses.

Eventually, the woman is surrounded by her group, who fan her and make sure she's okay. The King's Guard even signals for someone to get a police officer. And just when you think the situation couldn't get any more chaotic, other tourists start approaching the horse, some even trying to pet it. It's a miracle no one else got injured. And in case you were wondering, the woman did not need to be taken to the hospital.

But let's take a moment to appreciate the irony here. A warning sign about horses biting is placed next to a horse that bites people, and yet tourists still ignore it. It's almost comical, if it weren't for the fact that someone actually got hurt. So, the next time you see a warning sign, just remember this story and maybe take it a little more seriously. And if you happen to be in London, be sure to check out The Agency's London news hub for more updates on the latest events in the city. Stay safe out there!

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