Hollyoaks reveals shocking twist for Frankie and Suzanne with no chance of redemption.

Suzanne's actions were extremely destructive.

August 19th 2024.

Hollyoaks reveals shocking twist for Frankie and Suzanne with no chance of redemption.
Frankie was completely devastated by the betrayal of her own mother, Suzanne. It was a heartbreaking moment for her, and it's important to note that this article contains discussions about child sexual abuse, so reader discretion is advised.

In the latest episode of Hollyoaks, which is currently available to view on Channel 4's streaming platform, Frankie bravely opened up about the sexual abuse she had been enduring at the hands of her twin brother, JJ. This was a shocking revelation for everyone, including her father Darren who was completely taken aback. Despite the shock, Darren never doubted his daughter for a second, which was a huge relief for Frankie. She had been groomed by her twisted brother to believe that no one would believe her, so Darren's unwavering support meant everything to her.

The aftermath of Frankie's confession was intense, with Darren confronting JJ in a heated showdown. He berated JJ for his despicable actions and couldn't understand how someone could abuse their own sister. Feeling like he had failed as a father, Darren was determined to make sure that JJ faced consequences for his actions. He summoned Suzanne to their home on Basswood Road and told her everything that her beloved son had been doing to Frankie.

However, Suzanne refused to believe Frankie's claims and even called them "disgusting". She took JJ to stay with her, leaving Frankie feeling completely devastated and alone. She couldn't understand why her own mother wouldn't believe her. Meanwhile, Darren made it his mission to make Frankie feel safe and spent the night on her bedroom floor as she continued to have night terrors.

During their conversation, Frankie also revealed that JJ was the one who had attacked her in June, not her sister Nancy who was currently facing a trial for the same thing. Darren insisted that Nancy needed to know the truth as she could potentially get in trouble with the law, but Frankie was adamant that no one could know. It was a difficult situation for everyone involved, especially Suzanne who struggled to believe her daughter's claims.

Suzanne eventually went to see Frankie and reiterated that she thought she was lying. But Frankie stood her ground and reminded her mother that she had first told her about the abuse when she was just nine years old. This shook Suzanne to her core, and Frankie showed her the proof she had on her phone - diary entries from earlier in the year detailing her horrific experiences with her brother.

This emotional moment between mother and daughter seemed like a breakthrough, but it turned out that Suzanne had an ulterior motive. She wanted to get her hands on Frankie's phone, and when Frankie realized this, she was devastated once again. It was a harsh reminder that her own mother still didn't believe her.

Later on, at The Dog carpark, Suzanne made a drastic decision to protect JJ from getting into trouble with the police. She binned Frankie's phone, along with the diary entries and any other evidence that could lead to JJ's arrest. But even as she did this, she looked conflicted and torn. Her actions showed that she was still trying to protect her son, but maybe she was starting to realize that Frankie was telling the truth after all.

Hollyoaks airs weeknights at 7:30pm on Channel 4's streaming platform, with episodes also available on TV at 7pm on E4. If you have any soap or TV stories, videos, or pictures, you can get in touch with us via email - we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to leave a comment below and stay updated on all things soap-related on our homepage.

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