Hollyoaks reveals how Frankie plans to leave the show as she tries to find a way out.

Frankie is determined to escape and is determined to do everything necessary to make it happen.

May 27th 2024.

Hollyoaks reveals how Frankie plans to leave the show as she tries to find a way out.
Frankie had been feeling trapped and suffocated in her small village, constantly living in fear of her twin brother JJ. The truth was, JJ had been sexually abusing her for months now, and Frankie felt like she had no way out. But that all changed when she discovered her love for dance. It was like a light at the end of a dark tunnel, and she couldn't ignore the opportunity that lay ahead of her.

With determination in her heart, Frankie set off for Manchester to audition for a prestigious ballet school. However, it wasn't just her talent that she was hoping to showcase. She also saw this as a chance to escape from JJ's abuse and start a new life away from the village. It was a daunting prospect, but she knew it was her only chance for a fresh start.

But before we dive into Frankie's story, it's important to mention that this article contains a trigger warning for sensitive topics such as child sexual abuse and self-harm. This is because the long-running Channel 4 soap, Hollyoaks, is tackling a storyline that explores the often overlooked issue of child sibling sexual abuse.

The truth about JJ's abuse first came to light when he snuck into Frankie's room one night, demanding that she "help him celebrate." It was a sinister and uncomfortable scene, as JJ implied that he and Frankie should have sex. It was clear that this wasn't the first time he had made such advances towards her. Despite Frankie's repeated protests and refusal, JJ continued to pressure her, even using her self-harm as a way to manipulate her. But eventually, he crossed the line and raped her.

Meanwhile, Nancy, Frankie's step-mother, sensed that something was wrong and encouraged Frankie to pursue her passion for dance. She even enrolled her in the high school's dance classes, hoping it would bring some joy back into her life. And it did. Frankie found solace and a sense of purpose in dancing, and she was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

As the auditions for the ballet school in Manchester approached, Frankie prepared herself both mentally and physically. She asked her supportive brother Charlie to sign her consent form, as she knew JJ would never approve. But little did she know, JJ had also been accepted into a football academy and would be in Manchester at the same time. As Frankie stepped onto the stage to perform her routine, she was shocked to see JJ standing in the wings, watching her every move.

The audition was tense and nerve-wracking, but Frankie gave it her all. Afterwards, she confided in JJ, telling him how much dancing meant to her and that she had made a new friend in Manchester who offered her a chance at freedom. JJ soon realized that this new chapter in Frankie's life would require a move to London, and he wasted no time in telling their parents, Darren and Suzanne Ashworth.

Darren and Suzanne were in shock, both at Frankie's revelation and JJ's newfound football career. They were also angry that Frankie had gone behind their backs to audition for the ballet school. But Darren, who was also a dancer, understood Frankie's passion and was determined to help her achieve her dreams. Nancy, on the other hand, was wary of Frankie leaving, not knowing the true extent of what was going on with her.

What happens next? Well, you'll just have to tune in to find out. But what I can tell you is that Nancy is forced to stay at a friend's flat after being suspended from school, all because of an accusation from Frankie. The drama continues to unfold, leaving us on the edge of our seats.

If you have a story to share or want to stay updated on all things soaps, leave a comment below or visit our homepage. Until next time, stay tuned for Monday, June 3rd at 7:30 pm on Channel 4 or Tuesday, June 4th at 7 pm on E4 to catch the next episode of Hollyoaks.

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