Hill Harper said a pro-Israel donor offered him $20M to run against Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

Hill Harper: "Won't be bossed, bullied, or bought"--a catchy motto!

November 25th 2023.

Hill Harper said a pro-Israel donor offered him $20M to run against Rep. Rashida Tlaib.
Hill Harper is a Democratic candidate for a Michigan Senate seat and he has made history by rejecting a $20 million offer from a donor and continuing his bid for Senate. Harper is known for his roles as Dr. Sheldon Hawkes in “CSI: NY” and Dr. Marcus Andrews in “The Good Doctor”, and has further made a statement on social media platform X regarding the offer. According to Harper's campaign spokesperson Karthik Ganapathy, the donor is businessman Linden Nelson, who is also linked to the influential pro-Israel lobbying organization American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

Harper has chosen to turn a negative into a positive and has decided to use his slogan “I won’t be bossed, bullied, or bought” to raise campaign funds. He has set up a donation page on the fundraising platform ActBlue, with donation amounts ranging from $5 to $500, and an option for people to donate any amount they wish. Donors must be U.S. citizens at least 18 years of age, and cannot be federal contractors, with the funds coming directly from the person and not from any other individual or entity.

Upon the news outlet CNN’s request for a comment on the matter, Harper referred them to Ganapathy, who revealed that Nelson had contacted Harper on Oct. 16 with the $20 million offer, which was split into $10 million in contributions and $10 million in independent expenditures. However, Harper is limited to the amount of monetary support he accepts, according to the Federal Election Commission.

Harper’s refusal to the donor's offer has become an essential part of his campaign, and he is determined to show Michigan citizens that he will not be controlled or manipulated. He is running against Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who made history in 2008 as the first Muslim woman to ever serve in the Michigan Legislature and currently represents Michigan’s 12th Congressional District.

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