He thought I was flawless, so I didn't realize he was being deceitful.

I was torn between knowing his actions were harmful and loving him, while also fearing being alone.

May 19th 2024.

He thought I was flawless, so I didn't realize he was being deceitful.
After enduring years of this toxic behavior, I had become a mere shadow of my former self. I never thought of myself as the type of woman who could easily be manipulated by a man, but unfortunately, that's exactly what happened to me. Just like how spiders ensnare their prey, my ex-boyfriend had entangled me in a web of manipulation without me even realizing it.

This phenomenon, known as "spider-webbing," is a relatively new term in the dating scene. It refers to a combination of manipulative tactics, such as breadcrumbing and gaslighting, that a partner may use to keep someone trapped in a tumultuous and unhealthy relationship. And sadly, I fell victim to it.

It all started with love-bombing. My ex would shower me with compliments, gifts, and constant declarations of love, making me feel like the most special person in the world. He would text me non-stop, sometimes even up to 40 times a day, and call me every evening just to talk. It was overwhelming, but at the same time, it felt amazing to be so adored.

But just when he had me exactly where he wanted me, he started to breadcrumb me. He would suddenly become distant and withdraw most of his affection and attention, leaving me feeling confused and wanting more. And then, out of nowhere, he would throw me a bone, giving me just enough to keep me hooked and in love.

At times, my ex would lash out at me, calling me names and making me question whether I should stay with him. But the next day, he would shower me with flowers and chocolates, telling me how beautiful I was and how much he loved me. It was a never-ending cycle of highs and lows, and it took a toll on my self-esteem.

Eventually, he started gaslighting me, causing me to doubt my own reality. He would twist situations to make me feel like I was in the wrong and make me question my own sanity. And by the time I realized what was happening, my self-esteem was shattered, and I felt too vulnerable and confused to leave.

I met my ex through a dating app, and his opening message was a refreshing change from all the time-wasters I had encountered. At first, I wasn't particularly attracted to him, but he was undeniably charming, and our conversations flowed effortlessly.

However, things started to change on our third date. He began texting me constantly, even calling me several times a day, telling me how amazing I was and how he couldn't stop thinking about me. It was a lot to handle, but a part of me enjoyed the attention.

But then, his jealousy started to rear its ugly head. He would get upset if another man so much as looked at me and would accuse me of trying to make him jealous if I sent him a harmless picture. I confided in my friends about his behavior, but they brushed it off, saying I was lucky to have someone who cared so much about me.

It wasn't until several weeks into our relationship that I discovered he had cheated on me. I was devastated, and I immediately cut off contact with him. But he came back, begging for forgiveness and promising that he wanted me for real this time. Against my better judgment, I took him back.

For a while, he was the perfect boyfriend - cooking for me, running me baths, and making an effort with my friends. I thought he truly loved me, but little did I know, he was just setting me up for a big fall.

After 15 months together, we moved in together, and that's when the breadcrumbing phase really started. Whenever I tried to leave, he would come back with apologies, and the cycle would start all over again. He became distant and would ignore my calls and texts for hours. He even started belittling me in public, making jokes at my expense and blaming the internet for our problems.

And just when I was about to reach my breaking point, he would do something sweet or give me just enough attention to make me stay. But the worst part was the gaslighting. He would twist my words and make me doubt my own reality, leaving me feeling confused and lost.

It took me a long time to break free from the web he had spun around me, but I finally did it. Looking back, I realize that I was just another victim of spider-webbing, and I hope that by sharing my story, I can help others recognize the signs and leave before it's too late. No one deserves to be trapped in a toxic and manipulative relationship.
After enduring years of this destructive behavior, I found myself a mere shadow of my former self. I had never imagined that I, a strong and independent woman, could be easily manipulated by a man. But just like how spiders catch their prey by surprise, my manipulative partner had entangled me in his web before I even realized what was happening.

The term "spider-webbing" was relatively new to the dating scene, but it perfectly described the combination of manipulative tactics my partner used to keep me trapped in a tumultuous and unhealthy relationship. It all started with love bombing - my partner would shower me with compliments, gifts, and declarations of love, constantly texting and calling me throughout the day. It made me feel like the most special person in the world, and I was hooked.

But then, like most spiders, he started to pull away and "breadcrumb" me, giving me just enough attention and affection to keep me interested and invested in the relationship. And just when I thought I couldn't handle it anymore, he would reel me back in with apologies and grand gestures, making me believe that he truly cared for me.

This cycle continued, with my partner going from showering me with love to lashing out at me and calling me names. I would question whether I should stay with him, but the next day he would bring me flowers and chocolates and tell me how beautiful I was. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, and my self-esteem became as broken as I was.

I met my ex through a dating app, and his polite opening message was a refreshing change from all the time-wasters I had come across. Even though I wasn't initially attracted to him, his charm and easy conversation won me over. But as our relationship progressed, his excessive attention and jealousy began to take a toll on me. I would complain to my friends, but they would tell me I was lucky to have someone so into me. I believed that his overwhelming love was a sign of how much he valued me.

Then, I discovered that he had been cheating on me. I was hurt and asked him to leave, but he begged for forgiveness and promised he would change. Naively, I took him back, and he became the "perfect" boyfriend - cooking for me, running me baths, and making an effort with my friends. I thought he truly loved me, but little did I know that he was setting me up for a huge fall.

As we moved into a rented flat together, his breadcrumbing behavior intensified. Whenever I tried to leave, he would show up with apologies, and the cycle would start all over again. He would ignore my texts and belittle me in front of others, dismissing his hurtful behavior as a joke. But he would always give me just enough attention and affection to make me stay.

And then came the most damaging stage - gaslighting. My partner would manipulate me to the point where I questioned my own reality and sanity. It was a dark and confusing time, and my self-esteem continued to suffer.

But eventually, I found the strength to leave and break free from the web he had spun around me. It took time to heal and rebuild my self-worth, but I learned a valuable lesson about the dangers of spider-webbing in relationships. No one should ever have to endure such toxic and manipulative behavior, and I hope that by sharing my story, others can recognize the signs and break free from their own spider-webbing partner.

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