He asked to sleep in different beds, leaving his girlfriend angry.

She was called out for acting like she was better than others.

July 8th 2023.

He asked to sleep in different beds, leaving his girlfriend angry.
It can be difficult to balance a new job and a relationship, especially when it comes to getting a good night's sleep. One Redditor posted on the popular Am I the Asshole? thread to share his dilemma; he had recently moved in with his partner of three years and found that he was getting far less sleep than before. He was used to getting seven to eight hours a night, but was now only getting four or five.

The issue, he said, was that his partner snored, took up too much space in the bed, and had no concern for his sleep; she would wake up and turn on lights or make noise, which would ruin his sleep completely. He proposed sleeping in separate beds, but his girlfriend was furious, believing that sleeping together was a sign of love between a couple.

The overwhelming verdict from commenters was that he was well within his rights to request sleeping alone, especially on work nights. One commenter said that if they had to get up before their partner, they would put their clothes outside the door the night before, use a vibrating wrist watch alarm, and never turn on the light if their partner was asleep.

Others understood where his girlfriend was coming from, saying that sleeping alone would be a 'dealbreaker' for them. They said that cuddling and waking up together was one of their favourite parts of being in a relationship, and that sleeping apart would make them unhappy.

It's clear that this is a difficult situation with no easy answer. Everyone's situation is different, and it's important to consider the feelings of both parties before making any decisions. It's also important to remember that sleep is essential to one's health, and making sure that both people are getting the sleep that they need is a priority.

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